Oceanic Servers pls 1 pvp server wtf are u smokin
Of course they aren’t OCE. Meanwhile half of south east asia is trying to log into our regions single pvp server right now.
No new Oceanic server? 360min+ wait times…
Goodluck, been in que on 2 pcs here since 4pm, 1 just got into char select screen goto log in and world servers down. Other account at 700th que at 20mins still. billion dollar company 12 dollar servers
Watch out the donker above you may use tween words on you for pointing out bad service practices.
ok 2 things.
1- reddit is nothing more than an emmanation of 4chan.
2- reddit does not represent blizzards forums or wowhead.
be P A T I E N T
Legit just open up one more OCE pvp server
we need another oce pvp server
Just one more Oceanic PvP server PLEASE. Arugal is clearly as bad as the worst US servers.
Oceanic PVP?
Gonna need about 10 more servers blizz…
10K Queues on Argual.
I think it is time for another Oceanic PvP server.
Plus we have no way of having PvP characters on both Horde and Alliance if we don’t have a 2nd server.
I’ve been in Q for 2 hours, my estimated time went from 140 to 470mins now. I have this strange feeling I’m going to be dc’d once it logs me in…
last I looked full servers as of the added ones still show as medium pop
+1 OCE PvP server would be lovely, thanks in advanced.
How about the “World Server is down” issue? Do we just keep trying to enter world?
what are the new pvp servers? east or west
Cmon blizzard just one more oceanic pvp
To little to late.
Release a West Coast RP server! How hard is this?