Fistweaving needs to go

Demo gets the short end of the stick from so many class mechanics.

Windwalkers get a million stacks of Thunderfist. Enhance gets gigantic Stormstrikes. Balance gets tons of Astral Power. Destro spreads Immolate to everything for shards and procs.

Pets in PvP are just frustrating all around.

Yeah fistweavers are the best shuffle healers but the initial learning curve can be very punishing


Mustā€¦ resistā€¦

I am always reluctant to say that something should just go completely away, but FW really is a problem in shuffle. It isnā€™t a function of itā€™s relative strength, it is just too niche. It works extremely well with some things and not at all with others. Every healer has favored comps and/or works better with some things than others, but it is just the most extreme case with FW.

Ideally, fistweaving would be more of an option/talent that you sometimes take and sometimes donā€™t. I think a big part of the weirdness with it is that you use different stats for FW and regular MW play. I know that it is getting some changes that will widen the radius a bit and make the healing less RNG.

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I always enjoy your posts. Well said

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It would be super cool if i could actually see what the builds were before going into any kind of match, that way we can strategize in the lobby. A warrior running spear, demo running NP, MW doing fistweaving really changes how things will pan out.

Like in LoL you can see crucial information. Imagine if you couldnā€™t see summoner spells, or item builds, or major talents. The game would degenerate.

With how fast the games our now and the dps meta im glad i can contribute now. Not just being a healing bot and praying that my team does stuff. I go in there and punch ppl in the face. Fyi if you cc fistweaver they cant heal kekw. Easiest thing to stop lmao.

Also caster build rss is not good if you getting trainedā€¦


Nah, every healer should be support dps/heals. It would make more people play healer


i bet youre happy mindlessly dpsing while playing a healer - and being rewarded for that. instead of having to worry about fake casting, getting locked, rotate cooldowns, youre just dpsing the entire game. huh i wonder why other healers dont approve of this playstyle

Why? Every healer should be miserable to play and zero fun?
Queues arenā€™t long enough for DPS already?


The title made me question whether i was on the right websiteā€¦

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so all the other healers have to play the exact same style but mw monks are special unicorns and get to turn their brains off and reap rewards?

MW monk is one of the harder healersā€¦

Also do you really want to have LESS healers? People donā€™t even play MW, itā€™s still rare.
Going for 2 hour long solo shuffle queues?

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cant tell if youre trolling or genuine

fistweaving is the single easiest healer in the game to play

i honestly dont care if theres more or less healers for ranked skirms the bracket is a meme

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Yea i did that last expansion. But now you canā€™t do that anymore. Maybe until they fix the dps meta in solo shuffle. Fistweaver is very easy to stop all you do is cc chain us. We need to hit something to heal. Here problem solved by a 1400 fw.

Itā€™s not.

Well when there is one healer that is oppressive the other healers stop queuing. I blame RSS for putting healers against eachother like this but it is what it is. Also if Mistweavers were nerfed I think the healer meta would be pretty healthy for once

If fistweavers get nerfed which they probably will because idk why. Rsk heals the wrong target everytime takes maybe 3 gcds to heal the right one. How long are the queues on dps? Because healer ques at my rating kinda long already.

Iā€™m interested to see how the change to fistweaving goes. I personally like the idea of the healing from it being more reliable, but at the same time, I wonder if reducing the heal per target by 2/3rds is going to make it where focus targetting someone just makes them go crunch against a fistyā€™s healing.

Your point? There is a play style, doesnā€™t seem OP, fares poorly against comps like casters or hunter and if someone likes it they play it. If you canā€™t shut them down thatā€™s your fault. Not everyone wants to throw a cc and spam heals from pillar.