Fishing lures no longer working?

I think Fishing lures stopped working in one of these recent patches. Today I was fishing in with an Islefin Dorado lure. After a half-hour I caught 6 Islefin Dorado. The lure wore off and I kept fishing another half hour without the lure. I caught 6 Islefin Dorado in the second half hour.

My fishing was at level 149, I had a tier 2 phials of perception. I was in a highlands pool. This seems too close within the margin of error to be just RNG. Am I missing something? It doesn’t look like I need to be a certain profession to use one.

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That’s better than the results I get with them
I’m lucky to get 2 islefin for the full duration of the lure.

There’s a post on the bug reports section.


Thanks, glad it’s not just me. I also noticed more junk at level 149. I used to get maybe 3-6 junks per half-hour, now I just counted 18. Far less than 50% but more than before. I’m going to try Captain Rumsays to push it over 150 and see how that goes.

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I also had some disappointing results from Islefin Dorado lures this past weekend.

A post on Wowhead indicated that someone did some testing and found it was about a 10% droprate back at the start of the expansion using them.

But my results this weekend were about half that. I only fished for a couple of hours, so not a big sample, but still - the only reliable source is a pool of Islefin Dorado and those are few and far between.

/moo :cow:

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Yep, I know it was more. Because I was fishing for feasts then for our group runs and I got a lot more. Lunkers also have decreased a lot. They used to pop up about every 6 minutes at the one fishing hole I use and now they pop up maybe once or twice an hour there.

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Same here. I get 2-3 with lure if I get lucky. Now they are 200 gold each in the Ah. I basically gave up on trying to fish them outside their fishing pools (if and when they spawn) and sold all the lure I had.

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I get more islefins out of tuskar boxes


i didnt even know it was a thing tbh

I’m confused. I’m maxed out on fishing, what do you mean by lvl 149 - 150.

Btw, only place even though rare I find their fishing pools is in the forbidden reach

All the + fishing gear accessories and enchants add to the fishing skill. Like a Kalu’ak statue, fishing hat, Khazgorite rod, glove enchant, and you can use rod lure in addition to one of the specific fish lures. All it seems to do is reduce the amount of junk, but that means more fish, more coins etc, for each less junk.

Kaz’ghorite Rod = +15
Kalu’ak Statue = +15
Aquadynamic Lure = +9
Glove = +5
Hat = +5
Captain Rumsey’s Lager = +5
(I don’t have the boots on this character, yet)

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