Fishing Skill Bug

Fishing skill seems to not register anymore. At more than max fishing skill for dragonflight (100/ +22), I fish up 50% grey item junk. At such a high level, junk should rarely be fished up and more fish should be caught.

Fishing bug ignores current fishing skill.


I am having this issue too. Max Dragonflight fishing, mostly getting grey items. Only in very specific spots do I mostly catch fish.

same issue here :frowning: was hoping to see something from blizzard officially, just tried fishing today after not having fished for a few months in game and was getting mostly trash. 120 fishing skill enchant and flask for added perception and getting mostly garbage. guess my fault for not really working on my toons cooking skills sooner but would love to see some sort of officially blizzard post on this. even using the lures seems broken. i know they didnt work likepast expansions gaurenteeing you the fish you had equipped but in 1 hr time i might have gotten 15

Fishing seems to have many many many issues now:

  1. Fishing skill seems to have no impact.
  2. Perception seems to have no impact.
  3. Lures seem to have no impact.
  4. Fishing nets only give scalebelly.
  5. Tackleboxes rarely have fish.
  6. Ocean side fishing has a high chance at junk.

The main problem this creates is an incredibly low chance at getting islefin dorado, which can be observed on the auction house price inflation.


my BIG thing is it officially recognized as a bug or issue to be fixed by blizzard? i have only seen a couple sources with players saying there is a problem but i havent seen anything from blizzard other then some forum that was put in technical issue and a blue post saying to post it in the bug forum because they cant do anything in the technical issue forum, lol.

I’m also seeing fishing pools stacked on top of each other.
So if you fish the top pool. Another pool is revealed under it.
I’ve seen it stacked 3 pools deep.

I also have encountered severe issues with fishing with the excessive grey items+ lack of fishing up items such as the conch shells needed to help progress the profession. Wish they would acknowledge it.

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yep, fishing is still broken

Do we know if still broken? Seems insane to let it be broken so long…

I think it is; I’m at Whaler’s Hook in the Azure Span and im getting so much trash - you’d think i was fishing with a grey rod with only my 1st skill point in fishing with the amount of trash im fishing up :confused:

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This is still broken. Completely ridiculous

Not sure if it has been fixed since I’ve been using the fishing hole’s fishing pools, but if this is true that’s a sad state of things.

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