Fishing/Cooking in Classic - Who's Excited!?

I’m STUPID excited for the fishing/cooking in Classic again.

I’ve practiced on my latest alt for making my plan. I’ve chosen my Horde and Alliance (don’t know which we’re doing, yet, because our people haven’t decided which one…we’re going back and forth) spots for each type of fish, how many to catch, and leveling cooking 1-300 as I level the fishing.

Fishing has always been my favorite time killer in WoW, and I loved being able to make ALL of the endgame buff foods people wanted for my guild.

Who’s getting spreadsheets together? Is it just me? Please tell me I’m not the only one.

Looking forward to farming those chimera chops and tuber surprises and hording up squid for my agility people.



Anyone else?


haha not for me, too much like work lol.

But am looking forward to fishing and cooking. I never did enough cooking back then, going to try to level it this time around.


I have my pre-raid BIS figured out and listed, I have professions figured out and the order I’ll do them in.

I do my talent calculations on Wowhead like twice a week.

I have the top consumables I’ll want written out so I know what mats to keep an eye out for.

I’m so ready.


I didn’t get too involved with the fishing part of things. But I did enjoy going all over the place trying to find all of the cooking recipes.

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I could never get into fishing and don’t imagine Classic will be any different. It always felt like a waste of “life” to me. I mean, if I’m spending hours casting a digital rod into digital water trying to catch digital fish, maybe I need to log, go outside for a bit, and try to catch a real fish.

That’s just me though. I don’t think any less of people who love fishing in WoW.


What class you rolling? If it’s one that I’m rolling, mind helping me with the pre-raid BIS list?

I’m excited to do fishing to 300 ONE time, and cooking to 300 ONE time and never again.

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Was the pilgrim’s bounty holiday a thing back in Vanilla or was it added later? That was always the time I leveled cooking on alts, but I remember my first max level character leveling fishing/cooking together.

I’m totally looking forward to it, but I’ll let someone else put together a fishing/cooking leveling guide (one probably already exists for Vanilla, if I cared to look for it via the Almighty Google) and follow that.

I’m not sure if I’ll level it up in parallel with everything else and take my sweet time leveling (this is my first guess) such that I have level-appropriate foods from 1-60, or if I’ll wait until 60 to level it all up together quickly and feed my alts through the mail and/or play the AH.

I’m guessing, however, that there will be a lot of people wanting to level cooking right away and low-level fish might fetch a few silver on the AH, which could come in handy.

ETA: Hunters will want food for their pets again, too. That will be cool.

It came MUCH later. I did the whole holidays-all-year achievement for the purple proto-drake mount when it first came out (Wrath? Cataclysm? Don’t recall for sure), and the Pilgrim’s Bounty wasn’t in the game at that point, yet.

Fishing and Cooking done together just makes leveling both very simple. I am a completionist with cooking, so I will be gathering every recipe, including the cross-faction ones on the neutral AH’s in goblin towns…but that takes time.

I’ve done the cooking to 300 on two alts at level 6 just to see if I could via fishing only, and I will be taking that with me as I level both together in Classic. You kinda have to LIKE fishing in WoW for it to be a good option, though. In Vanilla, the leveling of all primary and secondary professions is level-gated, so you will not be able to do all of it in one chunk unless you wait until level 60 to do it. I intend to do it as I level. Mileage may vary depending on play style.

By the by, for those interested, the best place to fish for Brilliant Smallfish for Alliance is in the pond behind the blacksmith in Goldshire. You’ll need 50-60 of them before heading to Westfall, so get those poles ready!


The last time I actually cared about cooking was when I was making Blackened Worg steaks to track humanoids in wotlk and then later in cata for fun.

I always believed that Pilgrims bounty cooking leveling was meant to simplify the vanilla cooking leveling process. One of the biggest prof qol changes. They might have well have had a ingame fishbot aswell.


The whole achievements thing, I think, was a Wrath addition, including that proto-drake mount (which I still don’t have, because of that one PvP achievement involving the orphans that I always want to do and forget about it until exactly one week after that holiday event).

You’ve given me an idea, though, to maybe plot out a plan to level several alts together, on both factions, and to try to time hitting all primary and secondary professions at level-appropriate times, as well as all the major leveling milestones (10, 20, 30, …) together across all the alts. This seems (at the moment, at least) to be a nice contrast to a focus-on-single-main-and-get-him-raid-ready-now approach to the game.

Good stuff! :slight_smile:

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Exactly. I live somewhere in the middle on that. I do tend to want to level quickly, but I don’t “power-level” as many of the videos describe it. I mean, I work consistently to level, but I’m not trying to make any realm firsts in that regard.

When the grind gets obnoxious or tedious, I like to take a break and do profession work so that I hit 300 in all of them roughly the same time I hit 60.

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LOL I just started a spreadsheet. Your enthusiasm is contagious! :wink:


The one thing we are going to miss - though I believe there is a resurrected version of it, is Els Anglin.

If Classic adheres to all the old locations/fish types and rules, I believe the resurrected version will work fine.

If there are changes, then we might have to see if the current site operator is amenable to working on the data to get it to accurately represent the Classic game.

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You found a resurrected version? Where? I’ve only found a guide submitted by El to another website that has guides for various expansions of WoW and talent calculators. [Not sure if this website is just keeping all of the old stuff as an archive as each expansion is released or if they are catering to private servers. They have current content, so I feel okay reading it, but not sharing the link.]

Rogue as my main, and Druid for my alt. I’ll have a 35hunter to do my LW and Blacksmithing for the other 2.

Damn. Thanks anyway!

If fishing and cooking warms your nether region, then the Malicious Moogles need you :wink:


I’m excited for all things classic it dont matter…hell I’m already planning my strategy on how to deal with moonbrook mobs

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Oh, I raid, too. Ha ha. I’m holding out hope my people come back, and we’re all discussing it.