Fishing Bug - Not Getting Skill Points

My new character SteamPunkKen is a Mechagnome on TheVentureCompany. I’m not getting any skill points in fishing while I’m fishing. I fish, I catch fish, but no points. I’ve done the DarkMoon Faire fishing quest, and got points there, and I’ve gotten the “25 fish” achievement, but my current fishing skill is 5. Curiously, my Legion Fishing skill is 6.

Skill points for other professions appear to be correct.


I was getting shadowlands fishing skill points while fishing in DMF and SW, so you most likely won’t get any points if not trained in that expansion. Until it’s fixed you will have to go to other areas to increase points most likely. This is bugged as of 9.1. I meant to write a bug report about this earlier but had to go afk.

Edit: also the darkmoon quest will apply five skill points to the highest rank you have trained, so probably why legion is up.


Hmmm. Thanks, but this is a new alt (currently lvl 18) so I’ve got a while before I’ll be able to get Shadowlands fishing.

Perhaps Blizz will fix this tomorrow at the weekly reboot.

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I put in a bug report on the fishing, I made 2 brand new characters on 2 different servers, both alliance, still have to test out the horde side, neither was getting any skill points in SW. I did try fishing in other zones & the zones I tried skilled like intended, just regular fishing on them is broke =(

On a side note though, took one of my Horde to Darkmoon Faire today, she had picked up Shadowlands fishing the other day but hadn’t fished. Was finishing fishing up the fish for the underwater mount & toys and now her SL fishing is at 200.

EDIT: Out of curiousity, I logged on a brand new Horde alt, Zand Troll, bought the fishing skill, went fishing in Ogrimmar and same thing as Alliance alts, no points for fishing. On the plus side though, no fishing up trash, just fish…lol


Just wanted to add that I am experiencing the ‘no fishing skill increase in SW/Org’ as well. No gray items fished up, but also no skill points. Fishing skill points increased normally outside of the cities.


Bump, same here!!

Same here no points for fishing. level 12 nightborne warlock on Dalaran Cappslock - no skills showing any points while fishing. either in basic fishing or zandarlari fishing

Same here.

I can confirm that this is still an issue in Orgrimmar and on Darkmoon Island.

This is not a bug. Since SL released, you cannot get fishing skill points in Orgrimmar or Stormwind and that was intended. You can still get points fishing in other zones for the base fishing skill level up to 300 in other Cataclysm and vanilla zones. For other fishing skills, you need to learn the skill from the respective fishing trainers. DMF is also set for SL fishing now since that is the current expansion.

You have always been able to obtain vanilla fishing skill points in SW/Org/DMF until 9.1, so I think it’s definitely a bug.


I agree, I can’t imagine it not being a bug. I’ve experienced this myself leveling characters and it’s such a feel bad to have 50 fishing skill after 4 hours of Darkmoon Faire fishing, lol.

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The one bonus to this, however, is that my army of alts with 1 vanilla fishing skill now immediately fish up daggermaw for the profession quest, rather than junk for so many casts. I’d almost say this is pretty time efficient for me there, even if I can’t level vanilla fishing there now :slight_smile:

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Yes, that’s the one upside.

Fishing points also not showing in Undercity, but I think my issue is not location based. On each of my three alt toons I have learned Pandaria Fishing in order to be able to use the Anglers Fishing Raft. This means Pandaria shows as the current zone when I hit “K” to display profession skills. Now when I fish in Azeroth = no fishing points for me. Unless someone has already figured out how to switch current fishing zone on the Professions Window and that fixes my issue? (“K”)

That’s not what’s happening.

Capital cities are only giving Shadowlands fishing skill points. If you don’t know Shadowlands fishing, you won’t get any skill-ups. If you do, you’ll only get Shadowland fishing skill-ups.

Whether you know basic fishing, or any of the other expansions’ fishing skills, is not relevant, other than being certain that you’ll get no skill-ups for those from fishing in the capitals.

So what I’m reading here is that doing the dailies in those capitals at any level under 50 is a waste of time for skilling and only good for the cooking awards?


The old world dailies still provide a point or two skillup for legacy fishing as their quest reward.

However, fish you catch within the city limits while completing those dailies only increments SL fishing skill.


by that logic then every other skill shouldn’t lvl up while in the citiy…while doing dailies very rarely do you get sent outside the city to do them. Most of us get our points while doing the dailies. So, by nerfing it they pretty much dicked people who don’t want to spend an hour fishing outside the city for no gain other than points.

Your interpretation of Blizzards thought process behind this change is immaterial.

As the change went in last spring, most of us have not been getting points for doing dailies as you claim.