First time hardcore

So. I’m wondering if there’s any tips (besides don’t die) i could get? I’m thinking of doing a troll shaman for my first hardcore attempt


Oh, thank you :slight_smile:

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If you happen to roll Horde or Alliance on Defias Pillager, send me a note and I’ll hook you up with some bags.

Let me know here that you sent one, Goodglinda is getting some rested XP right now.


Something that I’ve found to be a pretty decent help (to me at least) is to assume that your character is going to die, and send whatever silver pieces you have remaining to your bank alt right after training.

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As mentioned above, making a money bank alt is probably the most useful tip. If you are intending to continue on and start again.

You mean like after learning a new skill or such?

Yeah, because you’re probably going to either get more coin or die before you need to train again, and at least it’s (mostly) safe to send gold or silver and items to your bank/AH alt.

Also, the AH is pretty active! So, try to pay attention to prices of things and list when it makes sense, so you can grow your wealth.

Just my two cents :wink:

Ah. I gotcha. I tend to penny pench anyways. I felt a blow to my wallet on wrath classic just buying a jeweler’s kit for 8 or 9 silver on a character i was gonna make my jewelcrafter there.

Reason i say i felt a blow is cause i meant to also get axe specialization at the same time cause i picked up an axe with better damage than my mace, but it also was 9 silver. And i only had 4 left

Trust not an elf nor suffer a guh-nome to live.

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Make peace with the fact that you are going to die. Consider whether leveling up a character for days and losing it to a myriad of reasons is something you can handle.

I do already know im gonna die. But i can use it as a learning experience. And besides, im not gonna hard focus just hardcore. Im also playing and learning base classic and wrath.

Admittedly I’m gonna be juggling 3 games and work and sleep, but i dont mind. I just dont really play retail right now cause im burned out on it

If it’s a troll shaman you seek, then Thex is the name you need.

Biteth my super-cute heiny.


I actually have the opposite philosophy.

Refuse to die.

Do not go softly into that good night.

Make Death wish he’d never heard your name.

(I’ve died once in Hardcorpse, I did not enjoy it, and I do not intend to do it again. That being said, mail everything you don’t need immediately to your bank alt. Also, level your bank alt to at least lvl 10, first.)

Why level 10? Im just wondering

To keep from picking up aggro.

People will do things to kill bank alts, especially in SW.

If you’re lvl 10 and surrounded by lvl 1 bank alts, the Sewer Beast probably isn’t going to go for you.

Also, if your bank alt is level 10, they can level professions to 150, rather than 75.

Ah. I gotcha. Well, im sticking to horde so i guess ill park her in a safe spot in orgrimmar. And thats good to know about the profession thing as well

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Download Auctionator and learn how to use it!

It’s pretty simple.

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Professions matter

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