First thoughts on changes holy

I’ve been running this build for raid using Lightwell:

I think Lightwell is a good overall ability for raid because its reaction time is faster than a humans. It’ll spam heals on the lowest hp target until they’re >50% and often it saves people from dying.

For example on Mythic Tindral he does giga group AOE damage just before doing 2nd intermission. I’ll drop a fresh Lightwell and it goes from 16 charges to 2-3 in a couple of seconds. Once I started doing that the amount of people dying during that part dropped a lot. Normally it takes a full 1 minute to deplete all the charges.

Also, 1 point in Voice of Harmony feels kind of mandatory because it creates an awkward situation where if you’re in Apotheosis it’s punishing to cast PoM and CoH (which are our 2 highest healing abilities) without a point in it.

LoTN feeds into more consistent Holy Words because its about 2 less casts to reset them. If you factor in fight length and Holy Word casts you’re getting about 2-6 extra of Serenity/Sanctify which if you add up the total healing probably slightly edges out Epiphany. Epiphany is really just like your PoM cd is reduced by -2.5s in the grand scheme of things.

I haven’t done any M+ key in well over 4+ weeks since I’ve been raid logging. I figured a Desperate Times + Divine Word build would probably crank out because Desperate Times was pretty strong during S2 with just heal bombing people from <50% to 100%.

Yup. I don’t think it actually would allow you to do this. You generally can’t just play with health in a pug key that’s high enough level. In an organized group where you can trust people to rotate defensives properly, yeah, you probably could (none of my good friends are still playing this season, lol). But in a Pug you can’t just leave people at 50%.

What it DOES do though, is give me enough time to get focus healing back to them. It’s very much a safety net spell IMO. You get it to stabilize and get some semblance of AoE healing in pulls that might need it. I have a feeling we’re gonna like it in S4 RLP.

At this point my build is pretty much a direct copy of what Nax has been running, lol. Desperate times, LOTN, Harmony, with Image and Lightwell. I swap to DW on keys I’m very confident in the group or something so I can just chastise with it.

I just play a build without Answered Prayers or Epiphany. Apotheosis is better in theory, but if it procs at a bad time you get very little value off it, while LotN and Voice of Harmony gives stable value across the whole fight.

The best part about this build is it doesn’t force you into changing the spells you want to cast when certain procs go off, so it’s much easier to focus on achieving good uptimes on maintenance spells, and you don’t need to worry about holding Halo and Holy Nova until after Apotheosis is over or burning holy words when Apotheosis is about to proc.

This is interesting, I would have completely overlooked this option, and you managed 2 Salvations off on that impressive smolderon kill even without apoth. Can’t refute your output there. Well done! Something else to think about :joy: … might have to give this a try, tho apoth comes with a fun factor and I cant function without a chastise. Need to think about this.

Apotheosis definitely gives more holy words(and significantly more for the record), but the idea with the build was that keeping the playstyle simple results in more effective healing when the pilot(namely me) is mediocre.

At least, I don’t feel forced to take risks to hardcast PoH at an inconvenient time when the rings are going out, dodge flame waves or stutterstep to drop heal absorb puddles.

I won’t use PoH to reset holy words, I’d rather circle of healing with at least a point in voice of harmony, renew or flash heal (especially if any surge of light procs are up). I find I get a full slate of serenities and an extra sanctify for the most part. I also don’t enjoy the apotheosis mini game all that much, I don’t really like throwing out extra possibly unneeded heals to proc better heals. Isn’t there enough overhealing already?

I love my words, even the ground targeting of sanctify, it’s very rewarding to land them efficiently. However, here we are again possibly wasting heals, throwing out as many words as possible to proc salvation for a second time.

The only way you’re resetting Holy Word Salvation x2 is if the fight is 6-7+ minutes long, you’re casting Salv in the first <60s of the fight, and the fights healing intensive enough you’re chain casting.

It takes at minimum 40 Holy Word casts to reset Holy Word Salvation in 5 minutes. In 5 minutes you’d get roughly 15 tier set procs. The other 25-30 would just be hard casts.

You’d get probably 4-5 Apotheosis procs inbetween that as well.