Oh that’s easy, give them same racial Worgen have, even Tauren used to be their own mount long long ago. If they can do the no-armour nonsense with borgnomes, then they can do the no-mount thing with centaurs.
Flying would be the real issue.
Oh that’s easy, give them same racial Worgen have, even Tauren used to be their own mount long long ago. If they can do the no-armour nonsense with borgnomes, then they can do the no-mount thing with centaurs.
Flying would be the real issue.
Just turn them into Pegasi.
Yeah I was thinking of something like magical wings that sprout from their horse-back, like the wings on the rat and quillen mounts do. Maybe have a short quest explaining how they work instead of going to the flight trainer.
It’s all very doable, Blizz just needs to want to do it…
Holy guac are professions in depth. I dropped engineering for tailoring on my hunter, which is upsetting but necessary, and wow there’s a lot of knowledge stuff. I’m really loving this.
You all should know that coming to me for your enchanting or tailoring needs comes with the best quality that I can produce and the best prices I can afford, plus I’m a local guy so you can trust me over that filthy chain, the auction house
Going along with the cuteness of the dragon daycare, the archaeologists brought along their apprentices.
Just started playing through the new content.
So I guess Marksman hunters are just never going to be good, huh? I hate having to use a pet, I really prefer to be the ‘sniper’ but with my pet out or dismissed my damage is next to nothing. Bleh.
No no…he can stay wherever he is. I don’t want to see him for 3 expacs.
Club Trix, dragon edition.
Yah seriously!!!
Literally one of the best parts about Dragon Flight is that the zones and expansion can actually be about it. Honestly, Shadowlands probably could have been a good story expansion if 90% of it wasn’t wasted on lame Azeroth character drama.
Anyway, Juspion found a new god.
May we all one day be turned into chum and eaten by GIANT SHARK!
Yeah I was thinking of something like magical wings that sprout from their horse-back, like the wings on the rat and quillen mounts do. Maybe have a short quest explaining how they work
They even have Ohn’ara right there for an explanation for where their flight comes from.
They even have Ohn’ara right there for an explanation for where their flight comes from.
Don’t even need to give them wings. Give them a slow running animations like the water walking one, and have them flying via running on clouds or wind provided by Ohn’ara.
Ohhh yeah… there’s pleanty of mounts that fly-run! They could have sparkly hooves while flying or something.
I am currently eh about Evokers. They seem like very squishy Shamans to me. They need more range and punch.
So far…
I love it. Getting to explore the Dragon Isles is a blast that reminds me of the first expansion where I paid attention to the story in MoP. It’s nice getting to see settings that are filled with enemies not all one color pallet of lime green or gray.
I like that we get to see a familiar cast of characters and peoples again coming to be helped or help us. Adding new characters to these groups with their own lives and motivations is also very nice. Returning to Azeroth to explore a new part of it with familiar people is infinitely better than Shadowblands.
The sense of looming threat for certain aspects of the lore are also wonderful. It leaves mountains of speculation for people like me who think the end game threat will be the Infinite Dragonflight.
I do agree with Sarestha. The factions feel a bit too chummy. I like the joint expedition. I really do. My character, however, would not be as chummy as the tone shows. He has no reason or motivation to show that level of friendliness to humans who have only been violent towards him.
I was looking forward to the Death Knight specific dialogue that Danuser mentioned, especially since I had even gotten the hidden achievement back in Legion for killing everything in the sanctum before it was taken out of the game, but I only got generic “thank you champion” type dialogue the whole time. It felt a little strange to me, especially since my last experience with Alexstrasza (Night Fae campaign) had her mentioning it still. Other than that, I have enjoyed it very much. I’m normally only able to manage getting one character levelled the first week, but I was so into it I already have my Evoker and my DK at 70, with my warrior on the way up.
Evoker needs one more talent tree…but also it would require a different model so it wouldn’t be possible. Honestly I want to play as a bipedal Drakonid, always have. I wanna wear heavy plate, use two handed weapons and charge into my enemy with a variety of melee and magical abilities, probably high firepower long CDs instant casts that have low range. Mayne even skip the plate armor and go for emphasis on utilizing magical armor. A ‘glass tank’, if you would.
Just imagine being on the other side of a charging, ten foot tall dragon person swinging a giant polearm with double blades and shimmering with magical energy. That feels epic and unique to me.
I’m just wanting more than what Evoker is currently offering. I like the flight mechanics so far but the CD is too long. The knockbacks are fun to use, though.
But yeah, I wanna be a magical melee bruiser.
I agree. I wish it was more like a “dragon druid”, where the base Dracthyr model and visages (with a few more visages added!) was the normal form and the bipedal Drakonid was their tank spec form.
Throw in a “running wild” option that morphs them into a 4-legged Drakonid or something, too.
3 specs would be enough, and turning into the Drakonid forms would work well with their lore and them being these sort of highly capable dragon soldiers.
I’m still working my way through the campaign, but I’ve started doing some max level content and I’m liking it all.
-Dungeons are good. Azure Vault is tough as melee, but learning curves are good. I did mythic Brackenhide and that was fun. Small challenge, didn’t feel super threatening, but some mechanics that’ll kill you if you don’t do them. Fine by me.
-The soup event, while fun, lags the whole zone. Blizzard posted on a forum that they’re looking into it, but Jesus was that brutal to level through.
-professions are amazing. I love the new systems and the knowledge stuff.
-overall I’m feeling the same way I felt as when MoP came out. Really good. This is a great time for WoW
Loving Dragonriding, but had to go in and retool my settings. Was getting dizzy and nauseous and thought I had them originally fixed. Guessing they possibly reverted, for whatever reason. Beyond that, I’m enjoying it at least!
Midway through transferring all my Alts to the starting area, I began looking at the map curiously. Since it seems so close to the Eastern Kingdoms, why didn’t we leave from there? Surely Silvermoon City has a port that could have facilitated the journey; would have used fewer resources too.
Regardless, I’m having fun =)
Because that would have finally meant moving SMC into the EK server and updating all the associated zones to be compatible with flying, as well as just updating SMC in general. Too much work for a low traffic zone. Also I wouldn’t take the map distances as 1:1 scale. I feel like the Dragon Isles are far more east than we actually see. That entire ocean was called ‘The Veiled Sea’ after all, so who knows what has now been uncovered with the big storm clearing up.
Too much work for a low traffic zone
It’s low traffic because who wants to go somewhere you can’t fly anywhere? Not to mention there’s no portals like in Orgrimar, there’s no zepplins, not much to do that can’t be done in Org… even the tauren city gets more traffic than SMC.
If they would update it then it might see more use. Same with Exodar, it’s the old “you have to spend money to make money” thing, but with zones.
And the world map is mercator style which is famously bad for showing off scale and distance.