First impressions thread!

He has unique dialog for Draenei. He’s like, you try being ten thousand years old and never seeing your home agai---- Juspion cries in Draenei


One thing I find I’m enjoying is the lack of seeing any of the leadership from the SL expac. If I don’t see Thrall or Jaina for 2-3 more expacs, they seriously won’t be missed.

I would like to know why my bakar hunter pet isn’t even as big as the normal ones in Broadhoof Outpost. Taming him shrank him smaller than my wolf. I thought I was getting a big old booff dog. He’s now small but fierce.


I heard it also causes you to get suck a crick in the neck.


Cannot stress this enough.

I personally find it odd that Shadowlands had all the usual suspects (that some of us have known for close to 20 years) and I never felt any personal connection to it. It just felt like an absolutely empty ridiculous expansion.

Here I am, it’s not even been a week and I’m running around with characters I just met like they’re family. I like these characters. It already feels 10x closer to Warcraft and much more enjoyable.


As much as they called us maw walker the whole time, I never felt invested in the storyline. I was just along for the ride doing busy work half the time. I do like that sorta thing, being made to feel like I’m not the protagonist, but only if the story is well written and fun. SL was neither.

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Thrall is the Grim Reaper of bad expansions, while Khadgar is the good omen. It’s almost as if Khadgar has a beyond-the-fourth-wall perspective on things and willfully decides not to get involved in the suckiest parts of the story


4th wall. Unless 3rd wall is some precognitive scrying I’ve never heard of lol.

What was Khadgar doing last expansion?


god dang it

Khadgar was REALLY invested in our Duskwood rp storyline and watching the drama from Karazhan with arcane binoculars. Sorry guys it was all my fault you can have Khadgar back now.


And then I entered Azure Span and it’s an adventure with Grizzly Hills music!

Also, if Blizz does not allow for a Kalu’ak allied race, I will be severely disappointed.


the dragon skeleton area in the ruby life pools is my fave spot after doing the hornswog quest for the dragonkin. It’s so pretty and peaceful.

So I flew into Valdrakken (and my drakes wings are tired) and I came across the most dragony of dragon things: A dragon banker complete with piles of treasure. :two_hearts:

The AH people are trade puns (chef’s kiss to the person who named them). :laughing:
Imporgio, Antiqdormi and Expodira.

And the baby dragon daycare with the sleeping whelps. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I admit i find it weird that Thrall had such a major role in Cata (I mean he literally stood in as earth warder and shot Deathwing with the Dragon Soul) but he hasn’t appeared at all in Dragonflight. Would be nice if he at least sent Alexstrasza a card. XD


Wymrest, if you don’t set up a weekly rave in the Dragon’s Hoard, I’m not sure what to do with you.

Love Tuskaar stuff so much. I think I wrapped up every quest in the Azure Span. Unless I missed something which I easily could have.

I like how when you finish up a side quest storyline you get a quest to share your story with the elder back in town.

Also got my Heart of Azegrrhmmmlllggll and keeping that in my bank forever.

Found a dragon BF and needed a good excuse for us to awaken their dad for their blessing

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What we need is a Neutral faction and shove the Drak’thyr, Pandaren, Ogres, Tuskarr and all the other weirdos that nominally ‘join’ each of our factions on a individual level. Just like how instead of ‘allied races’ having a tab in character creation, they should just be roped into the main race and allow us to pick an ethnicity from there. Mag’Har orc? Well just pick the Orc button! Lightforged Draenei? Redeemed Sargerei? Just click that space goat button!

Go a long way in cleaning up the Creator screen.

Another nice thing about dragonriding talents is that you can change the multi-option talents by clicking on them.

Also I love the centaurs, it’s nice seeing them as something other than mobs to be killed. I still want them as a playable race though.

I made it to the Ohn’ahran Plains this morning and I’m level 67. I didn’t feel compelled to rush to cap like I did in previous expansions so I’m doing all main story and side quests and just having a grand time wandering around.

It feels nice to just be an adventurer again.


I definitely over leveled too, by the time I got to Azure span I was 68. I was more excited for Centaur and Tuskarr so I skipped a lot of the side quests in Waking Shore but I plan to go back.

Yet totally agree, absolutely love being a silly adventurer again!

Discovered the Tuskarr ship that sales along the coast of the Waking Shore zone has a surfing mini game!

Azure Span also had some really bad lag, even without a soup event going on, something was causing the elite proto drake mobs outside Rhonin’s Shield to aggro me and never de-aggro and I basically got chased across the zone by them. This must be what it was like to be chased by Lu Bu across ancient China!!! It happened twice btw and I am never going back to that cursed place again lmao.

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Hey the only thing holding them back is the mount issue. Since they would be able to have more visual armor than both the Mechagnomes and Dracthyr, that argument is gone.