I know, I’m currently using it…But I gotta disagree with how close it is. The only difference between ‘Classic’ and ‘Modern’ is the target lock bars going back up to the top of the screen.
Guess like, if I stick around, I’m gonna have to go download some add-ons to get it back to how it used to be.
And also speaking of changes, very much dislike the new blue forums.
Really like Ohn’ahran plains questing/environment etc. I could see this becoming my personal favorite next to Grizzly Hills.
Hit 66 earlier this morning and only now started feeling squishy. Pretty happy it took 6 levels in before I started to become spaghetti against everything.
still can’t stand dragonriding. Trying hard to get through it. I know some people posted about the ‘vigor’ making it better, but that is not the issue for me. it’s literal hand movements and coordination. Again though, I do understand how some people are loving it and it’s clear Blizz worked hard on it. It’s just not for me.
Coolest hat - Wildercloth Fishing Hat. This better become a transmog item at some point.
Annoyed I had to kill Otters.
Otherwise, pretty enjoyable and yes, it feels like an adventure!
All the zones were fairly fun, but I do still feel like Dracthyr needed more attention. Other than the bronze one Thaldraszus I don’t think I talked to them very much, and certain backstory questions like “hey, is this bronze one working with the bronze flight because Dracthyr have a ‘flight’ based on their scale color, or just because she feels like it?” go sort of unanswered, and anyone RPing one is going to have to use a ton of headcanon. A purely Dracthyr-focused zone that did a deep dive into how they work would have been great.
The bronze dragon bit was quite fun
questing spoiler
getting sent to Ammen Vale replete with new character cutscene was pretty funny, and hanging out with Chromie is always fun. Kinda hope we get to do more time travel because it is a fun fanservicy thing to do when you’re not basing entire expansions around it
Talent system is even better once you get all your points. Prot warriors have tons of strong CDs. Open up with Avatar! Shield Charge! Ravager! Thunderous Roar! Anything still alive?? I did have to take the extra rage talents just because I dont feel adroit enough to spend it all in time with some of these combos
I’ve dabbled with professions a bit too and all the new features there are fun, but I’m an engineer so I doubt I’m gonna have tons of work orders for my dumb bombs and stuff. Makes me want to get an alt with enchanting or some other more practical profession to play around with it. I do wonder if this revamp will be enough to keep them relevant, because it doesn’t seem like they’re going back to an era where arcanite reapers were the best item many players could get for a long time–my crafted items are just middling power, but again, I’m an engineer so…
I love Dragonriding but personally I don’t see a big problem with allowing legacy flight too. Once fully upgraded you can basically dragonride indefinitely without resting, so it isn’t like legacy flight has any advantage. Dragonriding is faster for people who are comfy with it but if some people aren’t and they’re willing to go slower there’s no real downside for the game overall as far as I see. I know there are big toxic arguments about this over in general of course
Other random thought: very cool to see so many NPCs using Allied Races and the new Shadowlands Customizations. There were so few player-race NPCs in shadowlands that these assets didn’t get to be shown off much, so just seeing lightforged, vulpera, kul tirans, and uh… bearded draenei men as NPCs is great. Its also nice that enough effort went into some non-player models like Centaurs so I can tell important NPCs apart… yeah they all have the same face but lots of centaur coiffure variety, especially compared to certain Shadowlands species
And norman is correct that profession items should be moggable.
I feel like they hobbled dragonriding a bit too much at the start. Trying to get to some of these mountain tops is more annoying that fun. And I just tried gliding off a mountain side and I could have dismounted and fell faster lol.
It’s an interesting way to give us flying at the start without giving us flying, it just needs some tweaking to get rid of the… weakness for weakness’ sake.
Like Surge Forward, I should be able to point myself at the sky and launch forward, instead you’re basically wasting vigor and just fall to the ground.
And for some stupid reason, you can no longer use the ferry dragon in Skytop to get to the tall tower after that riding tutorial.
It might give some people a bad impression at first due to the long vigor recharge time. I nabbed all the glyphs really early so I got to enjoy it through most of my leveling experience, but if you saved your glyph-hunting til the end it might be frustrating
Also you can share a ride on your dragon, so anyone know if someone can ferry a passenger to get glyphs, or do they have to be on their dragon?
They really don’t want you to get to the scalecracker peak… like it’s easlly the most obnoxiously hard glyph to get to. There’s no where to land hardly on any of those jagged lower peaks so I can’t land and recharge and hop up there.
Finally got it, still annoying af to get it though, on the bright side getting up that high allows you to fly around and get the other glyphs at the high locations.
Yeah being sent back in time to where you first created your character was genius and made me laugh out loud. Though I made Chonga pre-cataclysm so it should have played the old Orc intro cinematic...but that's just me being nitpicky.
Currently pausing from questing, thought I’d toss a line in the watering hole in the Ohn’ahran plains. I’m catching ionized minnows and sentry fish from Mechagon.