First Ever 2700 ^_-

I dont any hpals but the MW I played with is insane. We also did it yolo around 2.5 mmr after a 10-2 streak so I think we can get decently high. I have flirted with 2.7 but not gotten it. Hopefully as inflation goes up I can reach it.

I love ele boom, just hard to get committed healers for that comp, plus ele destro just feels easier to play.

Gratz! Glhf on your road to 3k

:hugs: :blush: :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: NICE!! GRATZ MAN! :hugs: :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush:

Must have felt great to hit 2.7 for the first time then push even further.


Ye was never too worried about getting 2.7 kinda always been a meme since I’ve gotten to like 2640-2690 first few weeks of the season in s1 and this season had like 3 months left to push and had already peaked at 2690 two months ago when I got my glad wins finished

Just never played through a decently inflated season and usually quit cuz games bad.

Ye I think most our healers didn’t stick with ele boom more because I was playing 1 shot and not everyone likes that.

Pretty sure if I played damp ele and gushing ele we would have had more healers play that cuz it’s really strong comp imo.

Grats!!! I remember my first 2.7 what a great feeling and it only costed $600. =)

Sarcasm btw

I wana duel big shock stiki. See if I ezplodey

So you’re going by “2700xp ele” now nerd? Haha whats up d0uche bag, it’s Auzz from Goldshire. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in 2200mmr. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see a lot has changed. Remember Husbandied the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we’re married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a Honey Bee mount. I guess some things finally did change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic


Well done, Congrats!

grats homie




woohoo, gz buddy :slight_smile: happy that your final game was demolishing original for it, that guy is a big loser x)


Wait you were never 2700 with all the smack you talk? I’m confused

I played to 2650cr first few weeks of the season when I got my glad s1 in a season that ended with like 3300 inflation.

I just never really qued this game that seriously or during inflation and tend to quit cuz it’s awful.

I could differentiate that playing my glad wins while it’s the #25 spot on the ladder At 2650cr > the people that get 2700 5 months later that want to trash talk me lol

The achievement to me kinda a meme cuz of how inflation works. I’ll get linked 2700 by people who belong in the 1900 bracket

I mean quapy played to the highest ladder spot so it’s kinda hard to take bfa PvP that serious xD

this is really relevant

you’ve been playing at around 2700 mmr for MONTHS

you would not BELIEVE the people at 2700 right now

look at almost every 2700cr assass rogue and most of their achievements all the way down are late 2019 or 2020 LMFAO

the season should have ended a couple months ago when you got ur glad and every 2700cr assass rogue was still struggling at 2100 LMAO

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Wonder if you csn get it without corruptions.

Next Xpsck do it again season 1!!

Gratz lord Sticki, well deserved my guy.

I did it season 1 without all the added corruption or essence stuff

We played to 2650 first 5 weeks of season 1 and then I quit for 9 months. Pretty sure I could manage 50cr in 5 months of the remaining season.

Slands is just gonna be the same steaming pile repackaged.

Legendary grind soul bind grind both being needed in PvP to compete. Alts always dead. Forced play time grind.

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Is unlocked from questing.

You will be able to have a legendary week 1.

Everything is hard capped for the week. M+ is only going to drop 1 piece of loot per dungeon.

Only thing that I see could be a problem is the conduits, they haven’t given examples of what is exactly needed, but they were equated to legion relics and they won’t have ranks or anything.

a n n o y i n g