First Ever 2700 ^_-

Awesome sticki! Congrats!

Bro its my favvvv copy pasta lmao

Cant wait to use it on 3k and R1 if i stop being bad at the game ^_-

thanks JD

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Will you slow down or will you continue posting church of earth shock clips?

I had to use some of my vers % gear pieces and cleanse them for gushing cuz i didnt get multiple 475 pieces with good stats. Sadly chests every week giving me mastery gear.

Prolly gonna be playing gushing for a bit to push rating / get people to want to que more.

Might find some more time for 1 shot memes but the last 3 weeks were spent getting dodged non stop cuz not everyone likes playing with 1 shot so idk. If i find an actual team and they are chill memeing around a few games with bote 1 shots mayb ill get more clips.

Id pref to have just qued 1 shot but i cant force people to play with it. We were winning against 2950mmr teams cuz ele destro hpals broken af into pretty much everything thats not RMx so assume at least spacerats down to que up more.

TBH ive already got a lottttt of clips for StickiRiikii 1 and its been mad fun so gonna play it by ear. I havent decided just how much I wanna try for R1 push this season cuz bfa overall hasnt been very fun.

I also feel forced to a degree to mythic raid if im serious for a R1 push to get 485 belt / 485 ring / 490 azerites cuz the impact of those 2 485 pieces with gushings on them are really really high.


Grats man! You been grinding the ele dream like a few of us for a while now. Much deserved. What comp you play man? I have been playing a bunch of random coops but I found a good destro mw and we been farming.


This last sesh was Ele destro hpal.

I got to 2690 few times as ele boom mw but really couldnt get people to main team with me / starfail as ele boom.

Swapped over to ally to que with friends / few other people that have been asking to que up.

Congrats my dude

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thanks bramot ^_- <3

prekicked saucerboy*

I think he gave you the ele answer. Enhance is pretty naked without vers amps, especially since we get that extra lucid minor uptime and funnel ST more than ele. Granted I havn’t played in a while but I use to only recommend gushing set vs damp double wizard kind of comps. Slap away with lashes though. And if you typo’d and ment ele, disregard this :slight_smile: .

I meant enhance, ty for the tips. I just cant win 2s without a healer, i die so quick :confused: but that probably has something to do with my bad positioning

Rikki with the 27 hundo. Congrats buddy.

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thanks fam <3 hope the lil one and the family is doing well ^_-

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Nope, that’s just your spec soldier. Godspeed.

And if you asked for 2s I could see full gushing with a healer and just using vers amps vs double dps.

Gz OP ofc.

^_- thanks saucer .

Enh and ele look more fun to play in Slands so far kinda excited to see what the fully finished kits are

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give dps shamans root totem back fkN BLIZZARD

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Yup, I still hope for the best and expect the worst at all times with post-mop but we c.

For now my lock friends only play double wizard and my non-lock friends only play with locks. Been on Smite.

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What an absolute LEGEND.


Grats dude!

Grats homie that’s a big deal!! GL on your future games!

Congrats on your big achievement!

let NA know of the ele goodness