First DDoS Attacks, Now shops down

A few days ago the DDoS attack were heavily impacting the store along with the login servers.

Now the Blizzard store is experiencing problems again. Could our information, card numbers etc be at risk?

Your first mistake was not paying your blizzard stuff via PayPal

Always assume your card is at risk.



Start buying gold so the hackers can’t steal your money!

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Right? They can’t steal what you don’t have.

Fooled 'em.


you should either use paypal or have a separate bank account set up for throw away expenses like this.

if you haven’t figured that out by now, you have bigger issues than the wow store.

this is a good rule of thumb


Some people weren’t really taught this - the most they assume is that the risk is the same as using a credit card at a gas station.

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Roughly 15 years ago my husband got his card number stolen at a gas station.

It was when the fake card readers were all the rage.

Shop’s down because overwatch (season 4) is out and a ton of people are trying to buy a battle pass. Many people want to play the new hero.

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Keep your actual money and assets closed. Lock’em up in investments, properties etc for passive income. Use your passive income to built up a slush fund/fluid cash account for basic bills, food, entertainment etc of a few hundred thousand dollars. Then if someone takes your money you didn’t lose much.

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Give me your credit card number. I’ll keep it safe for you.

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Thats why i invested in alf pogs

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I still have a Walmart green dot card, I put like $100 on it, for WOW and such, thats it. they get that, poor them lmao

This is my current understanding. The OW folks have hugged the store to death. Blizz is aware and working on it.

No, that should not lead to any financial information being released. Anyone trying to make a transaction though might want to wait until the store is back to normal.

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send me your card number, name, expiry date and those 3 little number at the back. I’ll check if it’s safe :wink:

Messed up with PayPal many many years ago as a young adult with bad spending habits

your mistake was trusting PayPal lmao


The actual only good advice in this thread.