First day back to school in Indiana

We had the unemployment plus $600 a week for those who lost their jobs due to the virus. However, in some areas of the country, like where I am, that $600 a week adds up to more than they were making before the shutdown, and when their jobs were offered to them they chose to stay on the unemployment because they were making more. Now at this time, the extra funds have stopped, and those who chose to not go back to work are only drawing the unemployment and will be having a hard time paying bills.

Like I tell my dog (yes I really do) “make good choices”. She has been known in the past to get into trouble when we go out without her. People have to plan for their future, not be greedy at the moment.

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True, but that also means they took it to school, passed it to who knows how many other people, and now those people will possibly infect more.

This is not how you “flatten the curve”.


A shame, all the essential workers got was a pat on the back and a sign saying “we love you”. No pay increases.

The push by conservatives to re-open schools fascinates me because they’re always going on about how they are indoctrination centers for the left.


All of the essential workers where I live are getting an extra $2 an hour… not a lot, but at least something. But… they do have a job and when the others are hurting, they at least have an income.

Funny how the teachers don’t want school to open back up, but expect to be paid.

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Lots of people want school credits. What would you know?

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That doesn’t have to do anything with my point.

If education is so liberal and bad as right wing propaganda tells us, why are they so eager to send kids back in? It’s almost like it’s all BS and I’m being snarky about it.


People pax taxes to send their children to school. Should they not pay for this year since school wasn’t available? How about next year? Personally, I am all for private education.


It’s to keep the system in place so you don’t have to use it again, similarly to how we don’t all get our money back we spend on the military if we don’t fight a war that year.

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If local politics can figure out how mess with their tax rate to factor it in, I wouldn’t be against it.

It’s not quite as simple as just crossing out a line on a bill as you might think.

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Indeed. We are both retired and still paying school taxes but for WHAT? There will be no school. So what are we paying for?

I pay for the military and FOR WHAT? There will be no war!

Do you realize how silly that sounds? Probably not. :roll_eyes:


We still have the military and they are still working. What’s the point?


I can’t believe I have to pay taxes for roads I don’t even use! What is this nonsense?


If it was the first day, they probably had it before attending school. Sounds more like an issue with them not properly screening the students and staff. It is a little silly to be reopening schools but we can’t just write everything off until we get a vaccine.

They still defend you. Like it or not, they are necessary. Right now, school tax is a bloated joke.

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Do people in this thread not realize that schools will still be in session, just remote learning like we had in the spring?

I guess not.

“Don’t reopen schools” doesn’t mean “no schooling”, it just means “don’t herd the kids into virus chambers”.


You pay your house taxes every year. That includes your local roads, schools, govt offices. But if the schools shut down… oh never mind. It’s useless to argue.

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How much of your taxes have gone to schools? Like I said, it’s not just some itemized bill that makes it clear and easy to refund.

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