If it was the first day back that means he contracted it elsewhere… but yeah it is a hot breeding ground…
Teachers do a lot of administrative work outside of typical school hours. They also must take courses in order to keep their credentials.
Doesn’t help the curriculum changes every 2-3 years. So they are constantly restructuring their milestones to fall within standards of their state.
So yes, they should be paid. They are working. Imagine being against teachers…
Sorry, I forgot they get 3 months of the year off on top of not teaching.
it is 100% itemized. And about 70% of our taxes go to the schools. We do not live in the city, so no city tax… just school, roads, and county.
I had 3 months off during the summer and the state paid me. :^)
Thank you for this link.
I’d say the correct move is to push for getting a refund rather than throwing kids back into school until the pandemic is under better control.
Not you personally, but a political movement.
You’re welcome.
They talk about their methodology but I still have a few questions. Oh well.
I looked at this study. I can’t find any detailed methodology beyond some pretty graphs. No idea how the survey was conducted (online? phone?), how respondents were chosen (random? a website where people could fill out a survey?), or where the respondents are from (it says they surveyed 1000 Americans - were they all from NYC? the Midwest?). There are also only two questions on the matter of perception - they ask what percentage of people in your country have had corona and then how many people have died. Not exactly what I would call in-depth analysis here.
I’m additionally skeptical of work put out by public relations firms, but not wholly against considering their validity, given there’s more detail to their work.
It’s just like all other studies and polls. They never ask me or you. I guess it’s just selected by RNG… oh don’t we just hate RNG.
First day, first case, no surprise. Melbourne just went into Stage 4 lockdown and curfew because the same thing was happening, re-open schools and bamn, COVID.
Covid will just disappear over time. The president of the United States says so.
We will in 4months but I doubt covid will be gone by then
Sure, but the kid still went to school sick, which could easily lead to others being infected.
The first year after the next term will be people yelling at the top of their lungs in the middle of the street again, because they care so deeply about covid.
As someone once said…I’m ready to cancel my subscription to 2020 now. Murder Hornets, NATO falling apart, Captain Trips Virus, Seattle declares independence, Defund police, BLM, Brexit, Canada has a massacre, Drones attack Palo Alto, Russia votes Putin President for Life, Kobe, Little Richard, Confederate statues, Ion’s interview with Preach.
If they can shut down businesses and schools, why can’t they stop the riots and violent protestors?
Don’t forget, they are shutting down churches too.
Don’t forget the newest Chinese seeds by mail.
Sounds like poor parenting.