I hope he stays over there.
Uh… no you don’t.
You just have to be polite about it. They expect people to be respectful, which isn’t exactly a high bar to clear… except apparently for people like you.
Funnily enough I see this more here.
Add to that the fact that IF he tries it, as soon as he starts streaming it, whichever server (lode? lodestone? I forget) he spins a character on will get D E S T R O Y E D by his viewers. How the native FF14 playerbase would react to that Black Friday-levels of stupid, who knows. Probably unfavorably.
The silver lining is that he probably won’t like the game and it will be a fleeting moment.
OMG a person is going to play another game for the first time. its never happened before. the world is going to implode!
its not a big deal. more focus and coverage given another game may give more of a spotlight on it but its not the first time.
its just another perspective to consider.
I tried FF14. I liked the graphics. I didn’t like the gameplay.
I stayed with WoW.
I have faith in WoW. We have people making millions and millions of dollars off WoW. It should eventually at some point be okay.
I would try FF14 again, but I am reluctant to.
No, it really isn’t.
They also delete threads pretty quickly instead of just letting some threads go that clearly violate the rules because of politics and other such crap.
Case and point. Maybe they should delete Naheec’s Thread. Because when you look at the content of the post with a simple black and white lens, or a plus/minus view will make it pretty clear it’s not a post that should exist on these forums.
Long post Inc.
It’s really the same mentality as someone asking for Jaina to leave Kalec for Nozdormu or Garrosh. Pandering to any shipper, or enabling them (regardless of their preference) is one of the things that is driving people from this game. We play for a story, not an episode of Jerry Springer.
Lack of content is another issue. That can be forgiven because of 2020 and Covid. Lack of communication is yet another. No real excuse there. Yet as someone who’s watched and observed most of the stuff from 2004 till now, I’d say the biggest detriment to these forums at this moment? It is definitely unequal moderation.
The more you moderate / suppress one side, and uplift the other, the more hatred you’ll engender for the side you uplift. You need both sides however if you want to have a stable community that doesn’t become an echo chamber of zealots.
It’s basic human nature. No one has an issue with more inclusivity. No one ever has. Anyone who does, has serious issues. Yet the real issue that is placating the extreme elements of the community is now pissing off the majority of people on both sides.
Do you want to know why that is happening? Because both groups and their majorities, do have an absolute issue with one minority being permitted to destroy the story to appease a small group that never will be appeased.
Aside from a very small fringe in the community, there are very few who would anyone reasonably believe a Wrathion / Anduin story. He literally hates Black Dragons going back to his childhood with Onyxia / Lady Prestor. So really, writing such a story would be pandering and everyone knows it damned well.
So I know a lot of people will disagree, but IMHO it’s better to villainize him or kill him off in a raid, especially if you can’t muster the wherewithal and courage to tell people like Naheec “No.”
Because you let such threads linger time and time again, while deleting other threads of opposing slants there is a problem and it makes the forums sick. Don’t get me wrong either, I don’t fault the threads you delete. It’s your right after all, but there needs to be uniformity in the enforcement, otherwise you may as well make MMO-Champion the official site for WoW. At least they are open about being biased.
If X thread is not about the game, it gets blammed. Certain topics like sexuality / preference, etc. these aren’t things that I want to see when I come to the general discussion forum. Do I want to see politics? Hell no. I have to deal with it daily from friends on both sides!
I am equal opportunity on it also. I don’t want to hear about what women a guy lusts after, nor what pairings of men or women other players want. Discuss it in private if you want, it’s not fit for the forums.
Rather what I’d like to see is a discussion on quests, new classes, mogs, etc. So from my perspective at this point, Blizzard has failed miserably to uphold standards, or provide a friendly place that anyone (regardless of who or what they identify as), can come and discuss the commonality that binds us which is WoW.
And so I think that it is because people are tired of the BS, and the excuses, and so they are leaving. I left in WoD because I came to a point where I was asking myself “why am I even logging in?”.
You got me back for Legion. Yet I gotta level. You are about to lose me again for Final Fantasy XIV. It’s only the limited friends I still have on WoW that keep me playing, and not with a monthly sub. I can’t justify that until you guys change in a positive fashion.
In the words of Tigole to Sony: “You claim you want to make the game as you want, well guess what? You will be the only ones playing it pretty soon.”
My words might be harsh, but I think they are also pretty fair. People expect equal treatment and when there is a growing perception of preferential treatment to one group over another, especially from a company; said company is pretty quickly abandoned. Not because said people are phobes, but rather because they won’t support inequality.
You could watch some videos or streams of high end gameplay to see if anything changes enough to fix your issues with it… but overall, if you didn’t like it you probably won’t. (unless your problem was ‘not enough tools early’ in which case you will ABSOLUTELY get more tools as time goes on)
No, you dont have to baby them and no…you aren’t allowed to be a jerk there.
That’s how it should be here as well if Blizzard followed their own rules.
FF14 is tediously boring.
considering how much of a diehard fan of WoW he is if he ever left the game for good to go play a different MMORPG then WoW would pretty much be officially declared dead. That is about as official as it would get to signify the killing blow to the game.
Sure blizzard would keep WoW going for years more but there just would be no saving it as all of their content creators leave the game over time.
it is just sad because of the potential WoW has and it is actively being killed by blizzard and it isn’t clear at times whether it is mismanagement or malicious intent on their part.
And he is an absolute nobody in the FF14 community.
They cannot be toxic there. The GMs crack down pretty hard on all kind of toxic behavior. Yoshi P., praise be unto him, has made it pretty clear that they will not tolerate toxicity.
Hopefully…it stays that way. As I said before…he can stay here.
I’ve wanted to see him try it. Do you know when?
I think he’s kind of obliged to ‘hate it.’
Asmon and Bell aren’t particular indicators, TBH.
FFXIV is a popular game worth discussing.
If T&E or Soul jump ship, THEN we’ll be onto something.