Firetree Horde Reconnections

Just spent way too long trying to be able to post here. Thankfully it’s working.

Armitagez / Armitagelol - No Life / Ballas

Facebook groups for No Life / Ballas have a few people posting.

The Madness. Haven’t heard that one in forever


Here’s some videos I still have:

No Life’s Patchwerk kill the night before Burning Crusade released -

Ballas Muru kill -

I have a video somewhere that I need to upload of an Arathi basin game at level 60 with some familiar names.


Il be going Stalagg horde myself. name will be Aggression again.

prob going to roll up on arugal on oceanic <3 u
battletag : raje#6418
Interested where all the oldschoolers are rolling up.

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Sephos, holy priest from Tunak Tunak guild.
I only remember the real names of the guys I am looking for… So… let’s hope they will find me here =x

Ironsoul here, played a Tauren Shaman.

Was once in PETA and Elysian (I think, maybe Mandela effect here).

Baconn you used to gank me, so I hate you. What servers will everyone be joining this time around for Classic?

Sucks to hear about thahorns, played with him with my hunter Osarseph. I believe at that time he was Syndarella (lock) they were always hilarious to group with.

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Gnomish here, Gnome Warlock, definitely remember world PVP with you. Figured I’d troll through the Horde reconnections thread and see if any names stuck out as I spent a lot of my time PVPing. If anyone remembers being seduced by my Succubus feel free to hit me up on Discord Defiant#2604

Pretty sure I remember both your toons from PVP mate. Good times.

Hi cutie.

Where you rollin?

whats up ugly, are you getting into classic

Played on Firetree, Archimonde, and then Laughing Skull briefly. 1st main was Undead Priest Chemikill, then rolled Troll Rogue Sevenfaces, then Undead Warrior (with many different names I never liked). Looking forward to coming back. Even if for a short time… or to PVP. First memories are questing with Hooda, Bulji, and Rayeleen. Then joining SSS with Dacuse, Tinytauren, Siega, Lorathar, and Reallydirty, etc. Loved raiding MC and BWL in the early days with SSS. World PVP in Hillsbrad Foothills was a blast! Also raided with a fun Aussie guild, can’t remember name. Some good times, good memories. Lots of familiar faces! For the Horde!


The main guild I raided with was Shroud before it went under. I was playing on dial up and had to go to a coffee house whenever it was time for MC. It’s fun seeing all the familiar names :slight_smile: I"m still not sure where I will be rolling but have a character saved in Fairbanks right now. Life is so much busier now.

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I am going to be on mankrik.

I was Tiridan/Kiltir i ran around with you, chubbles, rage, and biscuit.

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Hey Lunixia, I remember you. I was Momes, a Tauren resto shaman then. Regarding HoW, Stim and Omar ended up quitting, made me the GM and we limped along for a while. Tried a guild merger that didn’t go well. This is bad, but I can’t even remember if I just gdisbanded or transferred the guild.

But it’s great seeing so many Dramatree names from the past, haha. Does anyone still have a copy of that Dramatree flowchart from back in the day? That would be classic.

Dramatree flowchart courtesy of McFeely (Delete spaces): https:// imgur. com/gallery/mWoxwFz


@Pandy is firetree IRC still a thing?

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All -

See below for the final distribution of votes on our planned Classic servers. Stalagg had the most votes at 10, followed by Fairbanks at 8. Looking forward to seeing you all in-game soon!

  • Pagle (Normal) 2
  • Fairbanks (PvP) 8
  • Herod (PvP) 1
  • Whitemane (PvP) 2
  • Stalagg (PvP) 10
  • Grobbulus (RP-PVP) 1