Aww but I miss you!
Suno broke down his bathroom door trying to kill me drunk at one of his parties. That famous rage.
Get help Chris! <3
Anyone remember a Guild leader named Sloburn? Used to raid with them and then BWL with some guilds. Clearing MC was so much fun.
Was just asking about you. Dirtythree here feel like it was just yesterday we were mucking about in Vent.
Slight change, rolling horde on Stalagg now. Hopefully some of you have also lost your minds and come to Stalagg.
Heya stranger! We moved to jubei’thos a few years back, still raiding, still a few of the old crew kicking around
Hahaha I wasn’t going to kill you! Were you with us when we all got thrown out of the Sharks game?
Laraway: big hair; don’t care.
Will mess around in Classic for a few until it teeters out, I think.
Good to see so many familiar names.
My main back in the day was Greatness, Undead Prot Warrior for Blood Money…
Wow so many old school familiar names
Suno, Scrant, Pisstank, Beeble etc. how great is this!
Sad about Thahorns even if he did F us all…
Hoping to see alot of you in Classic for some real time nostalgia
@ All Firetree Folks -
In an effort to coordinate/map who is going where, I made a quick WoW Classic Server survey. You can use the link at the end of this message to anonymously cast a vote indicating where you plan on playing (copy/paste the link into your browser and delete the spaces).
I will reply in this thread with a link to our “final count” on Monday, 8/26 at 8:00 AM PT. Looking forward to seeing many of you in-game soon.
https:// www . surveymonkey . com/r/PZTMDRS
Xsjado / Vibralux of Triads, Elysian, Dedicated and No Life
Yo dude its azn! Haven’t really played since WOTLK and a little of BL. Hope all is well!
My main was Aznskillz back in vanilla then changed to a resto shaman for BC/WOTLK.
Guilds - The Madness, Vanquish, No Life
Shout out to my bros Xsjado, Pisstank, Karungo, Grim, Phate, Karungo, Stabyo, Dannde, and Swamp. Dannde where are you, havent heard from you since BC!
I was Lunixia in Hand of Wrath
Anybody from HoW still play? I was away when the guild fell apart and have no clue what happened. Logged in after some time off and wasn’t in a guild anymore…decided screw it an re-rolled. I think half the guild transferred, but not sure. Somehow the alt guild survived, but the only people left in it are alts of me, Ramo, and Dethcaller.
Hope you’re doing well, enjoy Classic.
Oh hey guys
Billiepanda: Tuaren Shaman during Vanilla days
I server transfered to wildhammer by bc. I remeber Bacon and Chosen though was horrible trying to bg que solo and hitting there premade over and over. I also played a rogue named proninja
Ya he was a good GM I enjoyed raiding with that group thanks for remembering that I would of lost that bit of knowledge.
All -
Here’s a brief update on where we currently stand w/ our planned Classic Servers. Stalagg (PvP) has a narrow lead. The survey link is at the end of this post (copy/paste into your browser and delete the spaces).
- Pagle (Normal) 1
- Fairbanks (PvP) 3
- Herod (PvP) 1
- Stalagg (PvP) 4
- Grobbulus (RP-PVP) 1
https:// www . surveymonkey . com/r/PZTMDRS
Yo it’s Maliky, anyone heard from Zurom? I’ll be horde on Fairbanks, same name