Firetree Horde Reconnections

not that I know of. I heard from Maiviana about 2 years ago now, and she was still in touch with Har.

I definitely remember running premades with you, thanks for posting the vids.

I’ll be rolling Blaumeux Horde

Lyk made of DOOOM

Maybe we should tell the story of how our guild named changed! Good to see your name Slo!

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i remember you. you used to play a troll rogue and we used to chill in badlands before we would head to BRM and pvp.

Hey Rage I remember pvping with you. me and chubbles are gonna start again if you guys trying to group up again.

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Just a heads up im heading to the Bigglesworth server because according to Dr. Evil that is the coolest name.

Heylo? OMG

I think we are all rolling Stalagg

if you dont want a 10k que on a full server join me and chubbles on bigglesworth

13 minutes people AND HERE WE GO!

Found the other video I had. You may recognize some voices/names:

Horde - Anji, Azt, Conroy, Dandeleon, Heartbreak, Heylo, Lumberjim, Malantur, Ravenplz, Rud, Sempi, Thorehammer, Tlann

Alliance (Chosen) - Brum, Certak, Erratica, Forethelose, Kegluneq, Klah, Klepton, Magna, Marx, Melni, Merrik, Shorty, Smeegs, Xandor, Xiemos

Hey everyone!

Started a new character on Firetree after my original server kept having issues. I played most of my WoW days on Firetree; I met and played with some amazing players.

  • Genjii, Troll Rogue
  • Cake
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probably, all I ever did was PVP lol

Looks like Ashkandi is at low population for those looking to log in.

DUDE! ADOS! IT’s OPOS! You’re BFF warlock from Super Secret Sauce… Remember how much we used to PVP with Trx?! I miss you!
I’m Tako#0134 on Discord - shoot me a message!

Sorry - Haha, got a little excited there. I think my Warlock’s name was Opositive, right? My B.tag is TakoSenchou#1501 What server are you playing on for classic?

Opositive or “Opos” - Undead Warlock

Guild: Super Secret Sauce

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Oh man, I still play and the name is still rolling about!
Vaginthra, the Undead Rogue!
Vanquish, Strawberry Bananna Fusion, Banished.

Pissttank!! Its Vaginthra, add me up sprigga#1369