Duck, its Vaginthra add me up sprigga#1369
Ahh Git, there you are, my favorite Gnome Rogue
Its Vaginthra
Oddly I don’t remember most of my old guilds I was in. But I do remember Seraphim Knights and actually you specifically. My main was and still is Doberdad but I also have many alts now. I started a guild of my own in Lich King called Dogs of Warcraft. Took off during cata and pandaria but put guild back together before WOD and its still together in regular WOW. will see if I start a guild in classic after queues get normal and can see if enough of my guildies ae in a same server. my main server is still Firetree
Hey everyone-- A lot of nostalgia here. Used to play this rogue from Vanilla into the beginning of Wrath. I primarily played my Paladin and Shaman until the day Cataclysm went live (at which point, I quit).
My Characters:
Occisor – Night Elf Rogue
DonCamilo – Human Paladin
Lynesca – Dranei Shaman
Guilds in at one time or another:
Way to Get Racked
Talons of the Zephyr
Reverends of Swagger
I used to play with the following people:
Aced, Artium
Iilu, Akuu
Pretty sure I ran into Slprywhnwet earlier this year in another blizzard game (I think it was D3 or HoTS).
I don’t plan on playing retail WoW again and I probably won’t play WoW Classic that much, but when I do, I’ll be on Sulfuras. Feel free to add me @ Typhonicus#1967
Character: Mephinox
race/class: Human Warlock
Guild: Empire Legacy ( such a terrible name lol )
Hai Firetree friends…
Human Warrior - Riven
I still have my ‘Welcome to Firetree’ script somewhere…
I came in during TBC but I recognize so many names on this thread, thought I’d hop in and say hi.
Rolled horde on Herod…hit me up if you’re wanting to play becks#1203
Another Priceless connection! Hey Gnorbert!
I was in Priceless. Kurploch. Gnome mage.
Ayy what’s up Eumyin, don’t know if you remember Cleaninglady but I was in TLS.
Been a long time, damn
Hey! haven’t started but would probably go one of the rp/rppvp servers
Nice, I’m on Grobbulus alliance side. I’m already a higher level but would help you get geared. Message me on disc if you do: BurtMacklinFBI#8396. Grobbulus is a great realm.
Hey Spud!
I used to play with you guys in vanilla with my rogue Allody. I was one of the french canadian with my brother Khananane (mage). I don’t know if Minoufou, Zerachiel or WideOpen are still playing.
I remember Foroes, Panthos, Julianna, Darkfeore, Findria.
What server are you guys on?
Hi Dyrir!
I used to play with you guys in vanilla with my rogue Allody! Did you guys choose a server?
me(wideopen), minoufou and zerachiel are currently playing on mankrik (horde side) taking it slowly and having lots of fun memories
Hey Spuddy! Minoufou, Zerachiel and Wideopen are playing Horde on Mankrirk and Alliance on Windseeker. Yeah, PVE Server. Just want to take time to enjoy the game. What server are you guys playing on?
Well Well Well if it isnt brogan, remember an old lock.
Just realized I had the wrong character selected. Character jumped around for a while, alliance horde blah blah.
I’m on classic blanchy now, stopped playing after cata.
Soloreaper - Human/Worgan - Warlock
Cataclysm, Betrayed, Seconds Till Sundown,
Swapped server and faction to try and play with irl friends to keep the game alive… didnt work, stopped really playing after cata. Would love to play with old guildies again, recreated my character on the classic Blanchy normal realm.
For the life of me I couldn’t remember the guild name, but I remember everyone in it!
Aleecia > Nelf > Hunter