Main Mangs of yesteryear have been led astray from their humble beginnings.
Fruitless trekking throughout the cosmos ultimately guided Firetree’s finest back to the homeland.
A reunion of taco entrepreneurs and feral gladiators alike was prophesied in the Axline scriptures.
Tomorrow is that day.
hello father
so many familiar faces!
Malarinth - Human - Warlock
Looking to see if any former Veneratios members will be jumping on classic? I quit after TBC came out. Found out about classic coming out and coincidentally less than a week ago I found an old folder with some screenshots from '06
Literally nobody is going Herod.
I miss your old forum posts. I played the orc hunter, Hulkz . Where are you playing?
FP! Its Princesspeach
Gnome Mage
from Eternal Guardians and of course the Mushroom Kingdom.
And I think a couple other guilds that I have probably erased deep from my memories.
snoop stole my hubcaps
Will be playing on Fairbanks with the same name
I recognize this dude! I remember you being a god in 40s WSG
I didn’t mean to neglect you Mere. Nice to see some of friends that still have interest.
Greetings Spud! If you find a gathering spot, I’ll probably mosey on over. Does Cuddlesworth still roam about?
Found the other video I had. You may recognize some voices/names:
Alliance (Chosen) - Brum, Certak, Erratica, Forethelose, Kegluneq, Klah, Klepton, Magna, Marx, Melni, Merrik, Shorty, Smeegs, Xandor, Xiemos
Horde - Anji, Azt, Conroy, Dandeleon, Heartbreak, Heylo, Lumberjim, Malantur, Ravenplz, Rud, Sempi, Thorehammer, Tlann
I still have the guild not a frat on fire tree. I have not played on that server in many years
Yo me nad a few of my friends used to ride our bikes up there to play games. this place got me into wow.
Haven’t seen him yet - Hit us up on Incendius rolling with Chosen
Hey hey hey! What server did you decide on?
Yeah man. Used to be there all the time doing the lock outs sometimes the competitions. I just remembered, I need to get me some Bawls to celebrate opening night haha
Posting for a friend.
Kermitt, night-elf rogue Priceless Guild
Moraelin, NE off tank warrior in guild Hulu. Going for a druid this time around!
Noles Human Priest
Priceless/ Talonz of the Zephyr/ Thundergoats
Not sure where to roll yet, so many servers with crazy queues.