Firetree Alliance Reconnections

Main Mangs of yesteryear have been led astray from their humble beginnings.
Fruitless trekking throughout the cosmos ultimately guided Firetree’s finest back to the homeland.
A reunion of taco entrepreneurs and feral gladiators alike was prophesied in the Axline scriptures.
Tomorrow is that day.


hello father

so many familiar faces!

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Malarinth - Human - Warlock

Looking to see if any former Veneratios members will be jumping on classic? I quit after TBC came out. Found out about classic coming out and coincidentally less than a week ago I found an old folder with some screenshots from '06

Literally nobody is going Herod.

I miss your old forum posts. I played the orc hunter, Hulkz . Where are you playing?

FP! Its Princesspeach

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Gnome Mage
from Eternal Guardians and of course the Mushroom Kingdom.

And I think a couple other guilds that I have probably erased deep from my memories.

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snoop stole my hubcaps

Will be playing on Fairbanks with the same name

:open_mouth: I recognize this dude! I remember you being a god in 40s WSG

I didn’t mean to neglect you Mere. Nice to see some of friends that still have interest.

Greetings Spud! If you find a gathering spot, I’ll probably mosey on over. Does Cuddlesworth still roam about?

Found the other video I had. You may recognize some voices/names:

Alliance (Chosen) - Brum, Certak, Erratica, Forethelose, Kegluneq, Klah, Klepton, Magna, Marx, Melni, Merrik, Shorty, Smeegs, Xandor, Xiemos

Horde - Anji, Azt, Conroy, Dandeleon, Heartbreak, Heylo, Lumberjim, Malantur, Ravenplz, Rud, Sempi, Thorehammer, Tlann

I still have the guild not a frat on fire tree. I have not played on that server in many years

Yo me nad a few of my friends used to ride our bikes up there to play games. this place got me into wow.

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Haven’t seen him yet - Hit us up on Incendius rolling with Chosen

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Hey hey hey! What server did you decide on?

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Yeah man. Used to be there all the time doing the lock outs sometimes the competitions. I just remembered, I need to get me some Bawls to celebrate opening night haha

Posting for a friend.

Kermitt, night-elf rogue Priceless Guild

Moraelin, NE off tank warrior in guild Hulu. Going for a druid this time around!

Noles Human Priest

Priceless/ Talonz of the Zephyr/ Thundergoats

Not sure where to roll yet, so many servers with crazy queues.