Firetree Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Firetree (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Finvitruvian > Human > Holy Paladin
Guild Centenum

Big hello to everyone that played on Firetree back in the day. I haven’t played in so long but looking forward to Classic launch. Been looking through old screenshots and its been a real trip bringing up those old memories of raiding and PvP.

Planning on rolling Horde this time for a change!

Update: Going Stalagg server!

Feel free to say hello here or on Discord Finvy#5777

All the best with your Classic adventures!


Hello all.

Chimie > Human > Mage
Chimi > Draenei > Shaman
Ars Praelium

I played from Vanilla through WotLK.
I resubbed for a hot minute in BfA but let that lapse as I didn’t have a community anymore and the content lacked and left you alone.

It would be cool to meet up with anyone who used to play back in the day on the new classic servers.

Chimie#4160 on Discord.

Hope to see some friendly faces.


Hey old friends;

Kothe, Cynical guild here.

All players that used to play at Gamesterz are more than welcome to join Thirstbuster and I on our horde adventures!

Also I used to play long ago with a female dwarf and her husband, her name was Blueeyez and his Motörhead. I hope to reconnect with you folks and wish you nothing but the best!

Please feel free to reach out on my Btag!


My name was Ky - I was a gnome rogue on fire tree and used to play with Xy - Apophus (jack from lake Zurich)

Also played against / with Genoese, tehdeacon and crew. I’m going alliance again as a rogue, would like to find my old friends.

Night Elf Rogue
I played in a handful of guilds the ones that I remember:
Fusion Rose
Mystic Souls of Azeroth

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Mayev- Night Elf Warrior
Liliya - Night Elf Priest
Niyev - Night Elf Rouge

Friction // Displaced // Vengeance

Really looking for some folks from those days to reconnect with.

Looking for several folks:
Sniperwolf, Dolan, Rastin, Guy, and Krysta.

Any of you coming back to Classic?

Added: Am I the only one wondering if FantasyLady is coming back? lol


slprywhnwet - human mage
gm of exploding sheep
while we only cleared MC, we sure had some great moments and I’m thankful to all those that were along for the ride.
shout out to good old firetree
ill be playing alliance, not sure where yet
bnet tag - slprywhnwet#1269


Sup jerks! I’m going horde! UD Rogue named ‘Git’ on Stalagg

Discord: Git#9856
Bnet: Git#1639

@Slprywhenwet get smoked in duels more, n00b!


Bluemonarch, Resto Druid. I had created a guild for fun named Briarthorn Clan. I was in other guilds before and after that, which I unfortunately cannot recall the names of. Players I loved to play with (half I’m actually still in touch with):

  • Remeyrose, Human Rogue
  • Baccus, Nelf Not-Tank Charging-Warrior
  • Sponge, Human Prot-because-Baccus-won’t-tank Pally
  • Camilina (or Camylina? Camilyna?? DX), Nelf Shadow Priest

I cannot recall any other names… Anyone that remembers any of us are more than welcome to respond! I can pass on the message to anyone but the last 2.

I’m so excited! I will likely be going to an RP PVP server this time. All the changes in WoW, and not finding as many opportunities to be social, I experimented with RP. Although I am not proficient, and there is much cringe-worthy RP, I really appreciated this new level of opportunity. I’ve even enjoyed Horde. A lot. For the Forsaken >:) We’ll see!

Your name is soooo familiar lol. If I’m remembering correctly, it’s so nice to see a familiar name!

SLPRYYYYY <3 Glad to see you back!

Paemos/Jollyz here! Holy Paladin! Firetree is where it all began!

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After everything we went thru with the Horde back in the day, that cuts me deep Finvy. Unfortunately, my computer crashed and I only have Screenshots of our boss kills starting in BC.

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Update 8-20-19 claimed my name Eventhorizon along with my hunters name Farscape on atiesh server.

Bnet - eventhorizon#1311

Eventhoriznn > Night elf > Warrior > Main
Farscape > Night elf > Hunter > 2nd Main
Dunde > Gnome > Mage > Mule/bank
Refunded > Shamy > Mule/bank
Many more toons I played.

Guild Imperial.

After the guild mysteriously fell a part when I was on vacation for a few days I joined some random guilds. Exploding sheep was one of them.

Dexstarw (Feralsodeal > Starlightw)> Night Elf > Druid
Blinkagain > Human > Rogue

Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces in classic!

Discord: Dexstar#7272
Bnet: Dexstar72#1405


Onikiller > Human paladin.
Guilds: Lux Æterna, Mew Mew Cuddle Squad.

Hey there! :smiley:

GuildChosen dot com

Hey there! :smiley:

GuildChosen dot com


Starborn, Night Elf Druid
Vanilla Erinynes > Cynical ( Emirp where are yoouuu)
TBC > Knight Guard

Seems like a lot of old raiders are finding their way to GuildChosen dot com …

But where is Jovial, Kilintime,Tetera or Astator
