Warmason - Human Warrior.
Was is Hunters of the Horde during Vanilla. Moved on to Betrayed and Cataclysm then back to HotH during BC and Wrath.
Warmason - Human Warrior.
Was is Hunters of the Horde during Vanilla. Moved on to Betrayed and Cataclysm then back to HotH during BC and Wrath.
Widzard lvl 60 gnome mage
Guild: < L É G E N D E >
Les QC de firetree !!
Flatfeet, do you remember a Dwarf Hunter named Azterotheraz?
You never forget a name like that! Of course!
Silverstang - Druid
Valliere - Death Knight
Knight Guard, Ars Praelium
notnarb, Dwarf Priest
Pleasantly surprised to hear HotH lasted into Wrath, I last remember some very rough Karazhan runs (some my fault).
Probably won’t be playing classic, but it’s nice to see some familiar names in here!
Ytok, Gnome Mage
Guilds The Seals Team> Opposition, Storm.
Hi everyome. Been a long time.
Hi @Slpry
Darkclaw where you at?
Probably rolling horde this go round but not 100% decided.
Darkkid, gnome, warlock.
Played on firetree all the way until wrath.
Going to play horde on classic.
Discord: Adrennes#0368
Darthjimbo - Human Warrior
Guild: Erinynes
Flatfeet, you are truly a legend of Firetree, hats off to you /cheer
Jimbo! Hope all is well man!
Night Elf Rogue, Floated around but the guilds I remember were Dark religion, Chosen.
Looking forward to the Classic launch again.
Calaim > Night Elf > Prot Warrior
Guilds: DElTY
Crazy Delicious
Hoping to see some old names and faces 'round these parts over the next few months!
Aisling > Human > Rogue
Valenciah > Draenei > Shaman
I can’t remember the names of the guilds I was in for the life of me but hoping to see some of my old friends when classic starts back!
Samaiel > Nelf > Rogue
Flareforce > Nelf > Priest
I used to play with a ton of y’all from Firetree
Feel free to add me for Classic
Jimbo, where is Elbrutus?
What’s your battletag? Time to reconnect!!!
Ryushi, Human, Rogue
Jamiemadrox, Human, Paladin
Many others lol
And as you can see Ryushi is still going strong. Linking my discord, hit me up if you remember me or my guild/guildmates.
Guild: Assassin’s Inc
Guildmates: Inviisii, Ricedude, there are more but those are off the top of my head.
Discord: Danibus#5068
Shot in the dark here, but looking for some people that transferred to Firetree during vanilla from Boulderfist.
Charlotte > Night Elf > Hunter
Guild: Knight Guard