Firelands Difficulty Reduction with Hour of Twilight Patch


With the launch of the 4.4.2 Hour of Twilight patch next week, we’re implementing a 30% reduction to the health and damage of all bosses and other enemies in the Firelands raid. This will be done via a debuff that applies to all enemies, called Power of Stormrage.

Players who would prefer to deactivate the debuff can speak to General Taldris Moonfall inside the entrance of the Firelands raid and select the option to remove it.

See you there!


Looks like off night raiding with alts is back on the menu. Should make it easier for vanity acquisition of the staff too.

edited: apparently im blind

I’d love to hear how an optional 30% nerf to a no longer relevant raid leads you to make this statement

im apparently blind this morning and thought it was ds

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We’ve all been there from time to time lmao

Now you should double the staff rewards in ten man so it would only take a week per step. I assume many people would still do this on an off night with guildies till the end of the expac and I doubt 25 will be a reasonable ask.

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When is Joyous Journey ending? next week?

Oh fantastic… Firelands is gonna go the same way BWD and BoT did. Maybe people will still run it for fun but highly doubt it. This nerf is appreciated but… way too late to be used in any meaningful way.

Dragonwrath is the reason to continue doing this raid, Randompally.


Can you increase 10M siphons so you arent left needing 1 more suck after 2 full clears?

I get why there were restrictions on the LFR gear when LFR was something we did. But since it’s removed, and we’re not rolling against each other on it, and it’s on a vendor…

can we get rid of the class restrictions on items? Cause some warlocks want the SSV tank trinket from H++ vendor. I know in LFR it’s not fair for people to roll need on things someone else needs, but that aspect isn’t capable of happening.

Please remove the restrictions on LFR items on the vendor.

Do we know if the buff can be turned back on? For example, we clear the first 6 and still want to clear rag w/out the buff. Can we go back and turn the debuff off?

Assuming it works like past raid buffs, you can turn it off at any time but can’t turn it back on

that’s great and all but good luck getting melee to join.

Some of the H items are still bis for some classes/specs.

As an example the agi back with 2 sockets is bis for hunters. I think thats true for feral, rogues, and enhance shamans as well but i havent looked at their bis list.