Fire/frost mage broken and sub untouched, rmp spams back in the AWC?

awc gonna be boring to watch again


Frost kinda seems a lot more annoying than Fire.

Ray of frost 500k+ dmg if not stopped. And by far tankier than the other 2 specs of mage.

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rmp has insane triple cc every 25s, and each dps can solo someone during each cc duration so a good rmp can easily end a game in less than a minute guaranteed.

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well rogues are even more broken, so probably


Im just doing casual 2s for gear but just left a game vs frost hpal and i “killed” him four times man…

3 ice block to full plus bop is a bit much combined with absolutely bonkers damage. The other night i took ray of frost ticks for 110k and i died mid air while trying to evade mage rogue opener.

Dying mid air to a spell that literally is one button press when i was 90% health and dying is ridiculous, blue gear or not. That is just stupid. One button 450k dmg.


rmx meta is usually more entertaining to watch compared to dampener caster or melee cleave metas. Last season with the ret rework watching ret demo almost every single game was super boring. Rmx is at least usually fast paced, even if the game is really long there are way more instances where someone can die.


arcane sleeper OP?

they’re the worst spec to play against of all time

All three mage’s specs are like fighting the Flash, they move everywhere while dealing (heavy) damage and woe betide you if you get close to them…


PLease mr BLizzard nerf frost mages they’re untouchable, and hitting so hard its not fun anymore play PvP on this game i mean it.

AWC was already boring to watch most of the time when its just boomy,demo,sub,sp

it has never left :slight_smile:

Just the thought of having to deal with the 2 most unkillable classes in the game is making me want to chill in some summer steam sale games for a bit

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Say what now?

TBH my mind is absolutely blown that frostbite procs are still a thing.

I don’t disagree, but that’s like debating which flavor of excrement sandwich tastes best lol. Maybe corn flavor is better than taco bell, but at the end of the day you’re still eating filth.

AWC is boring all the time breh thats why asmongold gets 10 times as much viewers to react to youtube videos

maybe it would be cool if triple dps was viable


the dps health gets low and then the healer presses 1 button their hp goes back to full. this happens 100 times until dampening kicks in . its just the same thing every time really .

It was a fairly long game totaling 10m dmg each side. He ice blocked three times

Sub boomy evoker or sub boomy hpal is 10x better than rmp

If you queue into good players running this comp you will want to vomit with how much cc ur sitting

If there’s a problem with mage, it’s the same problem as moonkin. Casters got precog because casting is hard. Now that you can guarantee casts, some of these specs need to now do less instant damage outside of the huge ray/glacial/moon/etc.

That pales in comparison to how broken sub still is. The other specs with sub’s kill potential fall over to wet farts. Sub can extend and outlive the tankiest specs in the game while also being lethal/requiring cooldowns every 30 seconds or so. It’s just too good at everything about its role.

Frost has been weak in pvp since season 1, for the first time in this exp i m feeling “good” in PVP…considering my limited gameplay

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Yeah, not even close. Rmx meta is the worst meta with lock meta being right there with it.