Fire Mage vs Destruction Warlock

Which one is more fun? More effective? Which of the two can really boast the title of Lord of Flames?

If you like to stand in one spot and hard cast, Destro Lock.

If you like to teleport/run around all over the place insta casting pyroblasts, or chasing someone down while run/casting scorch, Fire Mage.


I’ve tried time and time again to get into fire mage. I’ve really wanted to like the spec, truly, for the longest time. The theme is there, but the mechanics are so convoluted and clunky, and very unforgiving of failure. I just couldn’t do it.

I’m playing a destro warlock right now and am loving the hell out of it. Not sure why I didn’t look into that spec sooner, but I’m essentially living out the fire mage fantasy I couldn’t back when I was maining a mage. Feels like a much more durable version of the fire mage, and far more simple to play. Granted I’m only 37 right now and that could change at max, but I think I might have really found my jam in a destruction warlock. :slight_smile:

Though some would argue it isn’t really a lord of fire like the fire mage, as its magic is tainted by shadow and fel. Hence this thread.


Destruction warlock is predictable gameplay. Fire mage is fishing for procs. Constantly. That’s all you do is fish until combust is up then your bites are guaranteed but you’re still fishing. Do you like to fish?


I can’t figure out Fire Mage tbh. Do you have to be geared?
Destro is more fun by default simply cause I can understand how to play the spec lol


Funny enough, yes. xD

True that. You’ve also got the benefit of all the other warlock goodness to keep you survivable should you mess up. Voidwalker pet, healthstones, soul leech, etc. Fire mage is unforgiving of mistakes in comparison.

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At the end of the day, unless you’re going for top 1% in the world, beat class/spec is what you enjoy playing.

Destro Lock is a stationary hard hitting juggetnaut, Fire Mage is an elusive glass canon.

Both have neat playstyles and can be fun.

Very true. Definitely not anywhere near the top 1% here. Just been trying to find the class/spec that I can jive with for a while now.

I really do think I do well with a “blow 'em up” type caster. You’d think that would be mage, but I felt like I’m spending more time trying to be technical with one than actually blowing things up. Especially Fire Mage, having to perfect their guitar hero style rotation in the span of their cooldown, where failing means being screwed forever.

Meanwhile, my destro lock just needs to press 1 (chaos bolt) to blow things up.

Definitely going with the lock here. xD

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Ditto. Last month I gave the Destrolock a shot … and it is the most fun ranged spec I’ve ever played. Got it up to choosing a Shadowlands covenant … and then stopped. No way am I going to grind anew. The leveling was fun, but now it’s done.

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Only cool people play Mages. :woman_shrugging:

DestroLock all the way. The damage is unreal. :smiling_imp: :purple_heart:

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I’m first and foremost a Fire Mage player and will always be. I love it and if I could only play one class and spec in WoW moving forward, it would be my permanent choice, no question about it.

That being said, I’m also levelling a Destruction Warlock right now and enjoying the heck out of it. Different playstyle to be certain but both are fun. Right now she’s at Level 39 but moving up fast.

Whichever you prefer, have fun. That’s the only thing that really matters.

I’ve heard both can be decent but I’m more frost than fire in my aesthetic choices. Still I am here because I’m curious, sooner or later I get around to playing just about anything just because I haven’t played it yet. I’ve never been a fire mage, but I have a lot of mages so it’d be easy to repurpose one. I was almost gonna get green fire on my warlock until I got to the invisible eye of killrog part where you can’t go off a path you can’t see, and I, uh, just couldn’t do it even after 20 tries. I ended up deleting that character to poach it’s name, but that’s more cause I’m not that into the demons regardless of spec. Again, aesthetics make the decisions at the end of the day, though novelty can be very appealing as well.

Piddy is a beast. Gnome beast. Pink gnome beast with green fire. Single target hits like a truck.

But, gameplaywise she is a stick in the mud. Mobility is what happens between Globals. Since most of your casts are long, hard casts, there’s not much of it.

But if you like the excitement of guessing whether your chaos bolt is going to go off before the meteor indicated by the red swirly surrounding your feet is about to hit, then it’s edge of your seat action.

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I could see that with a Frost Mage. :snowman_with_snow:

If only Frost was fun to play lol

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Both are lame in their current iteration :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If that’s what it takes to be cool, I’m glad I’m not cool.

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Good for you. Do you want a gold star too?

To a degree. I love Affliction but I got tired of having my teeth kicked in.