Fire Mage PVE Viability

I dunno, should Warriors, Paladins, and Shaman take zero damage when they have a shield on? Stop with the ridiculous examples, please.

Hell, you can just spec Fire and cast Frostbolt in MC and be fine. DPS checks aren’t that high.

Fantasy worlds should still make sense under their own rules. Ragnaros is the Elemental lord of fire who literally lives in lava. He should resist fire.


Yeah, in a book or film. Not in a game you subscribe to that you’re supposed to be able to play how you want.

Some boss fights are harsher for melee. Onyxia flies out of melee range for a lot of the fight.

I hate to be one of those people, but this is how we got retail.


“play how you want” is how Modern WoW is designed, not Classic. In fact, “respec to frost for MC” is very low on the list of things that restrict how you play Classic.

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I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense, should frost do more damage to a fire elemental then? etc?

There is a reason blizzard got rid of that stupid idea, and I believe they should go back and change MC/BWL so I don’t have to respec all the damn time to help groups when I’m AQ/Naxx geared. Raids are face roll anyways, it’s stupid to limit mages to one spec all of the beginning of the game.

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Fire mages are best once you’re able to use it. But this is later in the game. Early content has high fire resist or complete immunity to it. So for a long while, you’ll use frost.

Yeah but you still bring them, you don’t bring a fire mage to MC

I played arcane mage in Vanilla raids. Once you get some better gear for more mana, it gets a lot better. But I would really suggest go frost if you plan to raid, atleast for the first couple of Content phases.

depends on the bosses or raids your going into. MC u will be utterly worthless as fire since the entire raid is fire elementals lol but in nax ud be alright against a few bosses

You don’t want to be a racist, so don’t be a specist.

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It does, since they don’t have frost resist IIRC. Or at least, it used to when you could have negative resists. They did change negative resists because it made scaling shoot through the roof though.

If you’re that geared, just stay Fire and cast Frostbolt instead. It ain’t hard, either to do or to figure out.

There is no “fire mage” in classic. Find me a single item or spell requiring “fire spec”.

Specs are retail wow. Classic is all about the class as a whole. And respecing as necessary is part of the game. All classes are viable in classic for all the content. But you have to adapt to the circumstances. Which makes it challenging and fun.

If you don’t like it, retail is ----> that way.

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nothing challenging about vanilla content my man…

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Agreed… so why would you respec to Frost for MC when it’s not hard anyways?

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For speed runs…

In Naxx you HAVE to be fire, because the mobs are frost resistant. But you can’t really go fire until AQ because of the fire resists of the mobs in MC and BWL.

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Well then you’re crafting your own difficulty and making challenging content in Vanilla… so which is it?

No you don’t. You just have to hit ‘2’ instead of ‘1’.

What a dumb statement.

They have fire resist because the bosses are made out of lava and fire.

Ragnaros is literally a massive fire ball, why wouldnt he be resistant to fire?