Fire Mage Nerfs

27 seconds of it being down ?!? whatever will you do in such a short time frame

Dude, I never said it shouldn’t be good. Its fine. You literally counter my class. YOU CAN PURGE MY COMBUSTION, why are you of all people complaining.

One stop is all you need to scuff a go for rmx. No point arguing with you.

i feel so bad for you. having to play such a weak comp must be frustrating


Bro you can cover your own crap, your spec is built around killing in a single poly and you pair with the most CC heavy melee in the game that doesnt spend GCDs on MS or Slows and has a 1 sec GCD itself.

Like its so dumb trying to get thru mage/rogue players.

You play the BEST specs for PvP in their roles shut up

Combust is can be dispelled but we can CC entire teams for its duration like stop





Cry more about it man. Ele is just so0o0o bad right now. Plz. I know rmx is strong. Its not combustion thats making it strong.

lets not forget that shaman specs are some of if not the least played classes in each of their 3 roles

I actually marvel at Junglecleaves

both DPS are killable but theres just an ebb and flow to it and if they dont maintain momentum they can be killed, even defensively you have to push in on them during downtimes of drest/trap etc

but Rogue/Mage get EVERYTHING, their openers make no sense even on paper

but they will cry we need that like you can kill the most mobile, hardened short CD defensive classes in the game

Like what, shut up


Just because a lot of people don’t play a class, doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Ele is nutty right now.

i never said ele wasnt good. you were just complaining how much sham countered you QQ and i was just pointing out they have such a low play rate that even if you instantly lost the game the second the gates opened vs a sham team, i mean the arena just ended it wouldnt affect your rating

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Ele is not a good PvP spec, gushing and lasso while you play with Destro doesn’t make it an amazing spec

Sticki will refute this idc but mechanically its horribly designed, based on RNG and gushing is the only thing that makes it consistent.

I really don’t care, if Resto was a top tier healer why tf would run Ele vs a destro/mage.

Why would you run an Enhance vs any other melee.

Mage and Rogue will never be bad because they burst and CC the most, you give them unrivaled survivability alongside that and its so dumb and makes no sense

then you give them a healer with the best cooldowns in the game in a cooldown based game where no one does crap outside of CDs like WTF

then Spite. WTF spite is a 1min CD with effects that lasts like 30s

This game is so stupid

and makes stupid people like you

go to bed


before anyone says I’m crying and making excuses for why im bad

I literally queue LFG at 2k with 1500 and play arenas like they’re random bgs

IDGAF because from an RPG aesthetic nvm balance wise nothing makes sense,

it’s a silly season and i honestly hate playing most games then the 2 or 3 i find fulfilling so have at me Idc

alright i was with you until now big fella. ele is 100% a solid spec. it has great utility, great damage <decent sustained and really heavy burst, and decent control. fire mage and destro are just in a tier of their own. if you were to completely gut destro or fire then ele would just take the gutted specs place in MLX

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Lol a “better player will refute a spec is good but idc”

Take out spite, take out reaping (way too good for rmx), take out spine, claw. Stop nerfing classes to the point where our only damage is borrowed power and a cd. Actually exhausting watching players like you argue about this stuff.

What tf are you talking about

take out all those variables and at the barebones Mage will be top tier just because of the basis of the class.

No one stacks versa to do anything besides counter rogues, Monks stack it cus all other stats do nothing for them in PvP

Like no crap any caster besides mage and lock is honestly dog Boom would be next up if tuning meant anything in BFA

like Gpie in all its potency is STILL an option for Mages because their baseline kit has alternatives you can’t be this dense honestly

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spriest and shaman are both very good, you have zero idea what you are talking about. even boomkin is kind of good.

people stack vers because its the closest thing to resil. and getting a flat % dmg reduction thats coupled with a flat% dmg increase is the most powerful stat for pvp.

man I hate how much i say “like” in my posts because in real life i’m shaking my head and just squinting at stuff I read.

Spriest damage amounts to nothing besides damp, they have to chain CDs on medium cds to pressure

Shaman the same deal, if i’m just dslapping the keyboard pressing lasso/sk/whatever randomly it does nothing.

Rogue/Mage can set up every ~25s , Gpie is a constant threat

they can play whatever style they want

Yo i really hate when ppl call a spec “good” like if you are a disaster at a meta spec and get outplayed in this version of the game with the least pressure with normal spells, CD reliancy and lack of CC then idk bro


Purging isn’t that huge of a deal, since blizzard decided to make combustion AND fireblast off the GCD you’ve already spammed out 3x fireblast 2x Pyro which is your entire combustion burst in the first 2 seconds anyways.

The rest of the combustion is just icing on the cake, if it gets purged at that point you already accomplished what you wanted by unloading your burst damage with a cast sequence spam macro :joy:


Do they not realize that their GCDs are 3x valuable as other ppl playing the game in the same time/space

it’s a marvel playing on the 4th dimension and talking down to ppl

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