Whole team just randomly dies to living bomb while one mage is afk killing an observer.
Seems like a balanced and well tested change, as to be expected from Blizzard Entertainment.
And here I was looking forward to queuing later.
This has to be up there w/ one of the most incompetent changes. Just buffing something to 800% like there would be no consequences. Has to be some sort of bug, but still, that is an insane %.
Enron ran their company more efficiently than Blizzard.
The worst part about this is since it’s blizzard entertainment we are gonna have to wait until next season for this to be fixed.
4-5x fire EBGs might be a vibe. 
2 Awc players having the time of their lives on alts at 2100.
The rest of the mage community is cringing. Flamestrike is such a clunky ability and the spec feels garbo to play overall still on standard built.
I’ll stick to enjoying my SP/SV more.
I look forward to revisiting this next Tuesday. I hope you’re right
Setback is it true living bomb is a 30 second cooldown?
This went from 440% to 800% in pvp. It should be doing around twice the damage it was before. Something is inherently broken with the way the game handles damage multipliers/modifiers.
Yes, but the PVE build has a chance to proc living bombs with flame patch leftover from flamestrike.
So they are just spamming flamestrike hoping for LB procs.
its super cheesy and actually feels clunky to even play. Give it a whirl and see. Even with @cursor macro FB FB flamestrike is like…ew
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How much does non crit lb do vs a crit one?
Mine were ticking like 20k, 20k, and 50k explosion.
during bust though its like 40-50k ticks and 100-111k explosions with insignia procs/flamecannon//sophic etc.
You also got fevered incantation stacked and uh wildfire + tier set
alot of mods basically and
So how did that enemy team in the clip take like combined 3 mill damage insta?
Pets alot of demo pets.
You got tier set right thats 10% crit damage, combust increases it 150% with 4.
Fevered incantation 4% critical strike damage
Wildfire - 4 crit damage (it says 8 but iirc its 4% in PVP
combust 100% crit chance
then w.e sophic/insignia procs up.
Lets say lock has 5-10 imps out, 3 dreadstalkers, tyrant was up in clip, then you got doomguard, felguard and players
and all of them have living bomb chaining and detonating?
Thats alot of dam. If each living bomb hits for 100k
Does it go off when its target dies
Think so? but pets take zero dmg from it so they wont really die fast, they are just fuel for duplicating it nonstop.
Yes it does
If you die or are dispelled it triggers