Fire DK spec

That’s a social dominance move, not a literal statement.

If we’re feeding off the Lich King’s power, why are playable DKs in Wrath able to fight against the Lich King? Why didn’t he cut us off? It’s VERY clear in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, that the Lich King has full control over the flow of his power, based on how he gave Arthas a surge of unholy might at the end of the battle for Icecrown Glacier, which let him win against Illidan. The Lich King resurects us as a self sustaining undead, we become an undead, he establishes control over us, or he doesn’t. We get power from rune blades, not the Lich King. We are not power parasites to the Lich king like the second generation were. The paracitic nature of the second generation of DKs is what made them so powerful.

Because everything the Lich King did in Wrath was to get the armies of the Horde and Alliance to make the most powerful armies the world had ever known, so he could make champions out of them. Did you just not do ICC? It’s been a decade, Diablo fan.

We get the power to create Runeblades from the Lich King. Nevermind that you don’t lose access to your powers if you don’t use a runeblade. Your argument is soundly and completely defeated, Diablo fan. If only you paid as much attention to Warcraft lore as you did Diablo.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. They didn’t have much of anything in the ways of “parasitic powers” to begin with. I even linked you their page. Did you just not visit it?

Typical Diablo fan.

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yeah you’re not educated enough on DK lore to have this conversation. Bye Falecia.

Drak: Gets literally everything wrong about Death Knight, including saying that Death Knight doesn’t have Army of the Dead.

Also Drak: The quote.

Thank christ you had the good sense to bow out before you made it even more apparent that you don’t know Warcraft lore.

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Don’t bother arguing with Dreadmoore. He essentially lives in his own fantasy world of lore and what he wants, and you’re a liar if you disagree. It’s the equivalent of playing chess with a pigeon - you’ll get nowhere, and the pigeon will still crap all over the board like it won.

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Oh man AND you have a private profile. Nice, afraid to get judged on your progression?

Raising a dozen lesser undead fodder isn’t impressive necromancy.

Runes, the source of the third gen DK, in the fluff, are etched and forged into the weapons, and act as the sole source of magic for Death Knights, to the point where Koltira Deathweaver is helpless without his runeaxe. Before he does ANYTHING, and is even capable of magic, he needs his blade. You think he could get caught by Sylvanas or the Scarlet Crusaders if he his magic? You think rope bonds could hold a Death Knight with his magic intact? You think he wouldn’t bust out and kill the jailors? Why doesn’t he just use his magic to break some ropes and kill the guards? he could just freeze them with ice magic and snap the fibers. But oh right, because when he doesn’t have his axe, he’s magically inept.

Sure, you don’t lose access to your spells ingame when you drop the weapon, but where do you think the runes that we use for combat are? Where do you think they’re physically located? Are they in our minds? Last time I checked this isn’t bloodborne.

You’re using info from WC3 that’s been retconed, and mixing up the generations and attributes. You really just don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s smatterings of correct in it, but your context is borked. It’s like you took the right stuff, put it in a blender, and ended up with a butchered version on the other side.

Read Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, and then play the DK starting zone again. The two types of DK are VERY different.

seems like.

What does my progression have to do with my being right, and you saying that Death Knights don’t have Army of the Dead?

The Lich King is the source of our ability to use runes at all. Will you deny it?

You’re coincidentally ignoring that he was tortured and mussed up. But I mean, it’s you so of course you are.

He did get caught by Sylvanaas and the Scarlet Crusade when he had his magic.

If they’re strong enough to withstand his strength, sure.

He was beaten up and busted up. You’re putting a whole lot of emphasis on “needing his weapon” (he also mentions needing his armor) and absolutely none on him being trounced to begin with.

Yes you do. You lose access to almost every spell when you don’t have a weapon. It’s a RUNE weapon that you don’t have to use. Your spells are not contingent on having a rune enchantment on your sword.

Some people in Warcraft get them tattooed. IIRC Koltira has rune tattoos.

Are you denying that Arthas directly empowers the third generation, despite that I provided a quote of him doing exactly that?

Stop beating around the bush.

“All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge.”

    — The Lich King's first words to a new death knight.[1]

Firelands has you covered! It’s not totally covered in flames but the shoulders are. Dang, Cata predicted fire dks all this time!!! :joy:


This is just obnoxious.

Posted by a Classic character


Because Bolvar, might be the Lich King, but he isnt on the same level as Arthas was when he was the Lich King. Arthas was dead and died when he picked up Frostmorne. Whoever handles Frostmorne gets their soul sucked into the blade which is why the demons who created it has to take measures to protect themselves from it.

Bolvar on the other hand, was on deaths doorstep when the red dragonflight showed up at The Wrathgate and sealed his fate as this ever burning being. He just put on the Lich Kings helm to keep the scourge in check. No death knights use healing flames, Bolvar was never a Death Knight unlike Arthas which you can argue that he was at a time a Death Knight.

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One in full prebis and MC gear, after posint on my 120 DK earlier in the thread. Try harder.

I think I found the profile. You’re the 411 Unholy running Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle in a DPS spec? That’s you, right?


Maybe I don’t play BFA? Consider I might have played Blood for better access to dungeons, and WQ in unholy. Maybe I have standards, only play good games, and havent played 8.2 for more than a week. I was averaging purple parses in Legion. Again, try harder.

imagine being this guy


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Then why did my profile matter? (Also, even tanks want Fallen Crusader.)

I unlocked every challenge mode skin for Death Knight. (Also warrior, but that’s unrelated.)


Struck a nerve, did I? You seem to be trying pretty hard to defend yourself against a statement that wasn’t even intended to be insulting.

The only people that use the word “cringe” are the people that cause the most cringe. Your name is “Iluvyoutoo”, playing a female Blood Elf in a guild called “Dream”. That just explains everything right there. Next.


So he is the DK equivalent to the Shaman Thanen. He also dose the same things Dreadmoore dose.

Not for nothing, man, but you’ve used “cringe” in your previous posts.

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I admire your persistence in going through the trouble of looking through them all. The word now applies to you too!