Is it happening? Did the data-mining reveal a Fire tree coming? Will it be a healing spec? Dps? AoE spec? Can i get armor engulfed in flames?
wish i could still downvote
hey, enough with the toxicity, guy.
this is a positivity only thread tyvm
I could totally see it happen. Maybe some of the knights decided to embrace red dragonfire as penance for the massacre at the ruby sanctum. Then again, it might feel like a carbon copy of Vengeance DH.
Did you see any data-mined data that suggests a fire spec? Have you seen spells that indicate that you’ll be throwing fireballs? I haven’t seen anything like that.
I saw a sword that had the word “burning” in it. That doesn’t for one second mean that it’s a fire spec sword. It’s not even on fire. At least no more than the Blood one is.
Maybe it just means it’s your “burning vengeance”. You don’t know that it doesn’t.
Taliesin and Evitel did a video and Tali brought up a good point. With all the races getting a Death Knight option, they’ll likely revamp the starting zone, at which point you’ll likely get new swords. The burning one is likely the one that Bolvar first gives you, and then as you progress through the zone a bit more, and select your first spec, you’ll get a sword specifically for that spec.
Or… Here’s a crazy thought. They’re placeholders. Or transmog items. We got 12 DK transmog weapons in Legion alone. (not counting the Artifact weapon.) It could just be 3 representing Arthas, and 1 representing Bolvar.
Not to mention Bolvar isn’t a DK. He’s not dead, and has nothing in common with the player DK’s except for his title. I can’t imagine that he could just imbue new DK’s with the power of The Light, Plague, Dragon’s fire, and whatever experiments Arthas did to him.
Bolvar is an EXTREMELY special case, and a lot of things had to happen to him to turn him into what he is. Player DK’s just aren’t that.
Not to mention if they were to add a new DK spec, they would then have to re-vamp the Legion Artifact system. They would have to add new quest lines, new skins, new animations Ect… All for old content that isn’t relevant anymore.
I highly doubt Blizz are going to go through all that effort for immaterial content.
But new DK’s aren’t subjected to Dragon’s Fire. And I highly doubt that Alexstrasza is just going to lend Bolvar a fleet of her dragons for the sole purpose of empowering his own troops for his own needs.
Not only that, but Bolvar isn’t just Dragon’s Fire. He’s also imbued with The Light (If you feel it hadn’t abandoned him to the plague) the Plague, and whatever experiments Arthas did to him. Who knows what they subjected him to to turn him into the being he currently is.
There’s a lot more to Bolvar than just “A dragon blew on him.”. Not to mention he’s not even a Death Knight. He’s not even dead. He has nothing in common with the Death Knights. I can’t see them just all of a sudden becoming a being like Bolvar… Just because…
I’m pretty sure Borval is on fire and just like in the “My Son” cinematic arthus uses his ice ball eyes to empower all his followers, Bovarl is going to use his fire eyes to empower us new DK’s with a new fire spec and maybe even another 4 horseman making it 5 horseman with one as fire.
But we have absolutely no connection to Bolvar. In the Wrath cinematic, Arthas was directly controlling the minds of his Death Knights. During the battle for Light’s Hope we broke that control that he had over us.
The Lich King; whether Arthas, or Bolvar have nothing to do with the player Death Knights. We’re not part of the Scourge, and Bolvar can’t empower us, because we’re not part of his influence.
Also, like I said, they would have to do a LOT of work to old content (legion) in order to make a 4th spec work in the game. Blizz aren’t just going to go back and re-vamp the core elements of an entire expansion just to give you a 4th spec that doesn’t make sense to lore.
They would literally have to create whole new quest lines, skins, animations, artifacts Ect… It would be a horrible amount of work on an out-dated expansion just to introduce a new spec. It’s not going to happen. Think rationally about it. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you. I know you’re excited, but it’s not going to happen. Just think about it for a moment.
Edit: When Arthas woke up he didn’t empower anyone. He simply woke up his physical form. He was communicating with his Liches telepathically while he was gaining strength. During the Wrath cinematic, he woke up at full strength.
Bolvar is now awake as well (as of Legion.) but that doesn’t mean he’s empowering anyone. Bolvar likely isn’t even the one making the Death Knights. Just like Arthas, he has his Lich followers do it. (The Ebon Blade has Amal’Thazad to raise new Death Knights.)
well yah of course, but that’s the story up until now. The expansion will introduce more to the story and explain the lore behind Fire Knights. Obviously they will look a lot like Bolvr when in the fire spec. I’m hoping it’s somewhat like Disc and is a healing spec that you DPS with.
Anyone have any idea what kind of abilities Bolvar has? What kind of fire spells will get passed down to us?
One incorrect tidbit there, Bolvar does still possess the ability to empower the non-Scourge DKs as he demonstrated during Legion whilst marking the Deathlord as his champion.
is retail this dead?
I’d have thought Fire knights would have been the most hyped thing since wrath.
yes. yaaaaaaaaaas. we gonna have a fire spec. yeeeesssss
Im assuming unholy is getting a legion tier rework to become the highly requested necromancer class fantasy.
To not screw over unholy fans, fire dk spec will play like current unholy.
I was hoping for Hell Knights at some point, and i dont care whether the dk or the pally gets the spec.
It wont happen, but one can hope.
What if unholy will turn into the new fire healing spec in the next expac and holy paladins turn into a dps spec? In wc3 the deathknight hero was considered the healing hero, more so than the paladin. And the reason is because next expac is the shadowlands where everyone turns undead.
Yes he is, do you think Arthas wasn’t dead either? He was never officially killed or something, the helm makes you undead.
Furthermore, some sources state that he was killed at the wrathgate and reanimated by the dragon’s flames.
What sources? Pretty sure he sais “the dragons flame kept me alive”
The helm doesn’t make you undead. It just gives you the power over the undead.
Arthas died when he claimed Frostmourne. His soul was the first to be claimed by it and then he was raised by Ner’zhul as the first of the second generation of Death Knights.
He willingly gave his soul up for the power to save his people.
Blizzard struggles to balance 3 specs (4 for Druid) as it currently is.
If everyone got a 4th spec (except druids) it would be like adding multiple new classes to the game at once. It would eat up a ton of resources. I would love it but not sure if they would go that route.
What’s more likely is maybe a quest for DK’s that turns Frost effects into fire effects. Kind of like what they did with green fire for warlocks.
Now call me crazy but what if only dk’s get a 4th spec this go round, not that many resources would go into it if they do this slowly in adding 4th specs to classes. Also for those that say adding fire would mess up the legion dlc they’d need an arti weap, maybe they they work it to be a quest to unlock said name spec at new zone. Any who i’m all for a little more variety on classes sure they’ll be more to balance around but it is an mmo and as it is said balance is on going
I’m not sure there’s really enough material to create a fourth spec for us. Bolvar being kept alive by the Flame of Life isn’t enough to convince me that Bolvar himself is now some master of fire, or that that would even extend to us. Though to be fair setting that up now in 8.3 to establish it for 9.0 would be the way to go, in my opinion.
I’m banking more heavily on us getting some fiery cosmetic effects, which can be more symbolic than lore based, and l’m hoping they aren’t just for a single spec.
Give us Greater Pyro Strike.