Fire DK spec

If I were designing, the Spec would thematically be akin to a Runeblade wielding Bounty Hunter of the Damned spec. Focus on dark fire magic, burning evil souls, and sending them to Warcraft Hell (which would be perfect for a expansion where your out to kill Sylvanas).

Wherease Paladins are more focused on redemption and justice, this by contrast would be a straight up: "No I’ll just condemn, and or grossly disfigure them. Maybe both, since I am addicted to inflicting pain." Basically, you’d do stuff like this to your enemies and act more like the Specter.


And theres the beauty of the Death Knight class. Dont have lore for something? Kill something that DOES, raise it into undeath and boom, death knight lore.


Go play a paladin if you want fire stuff. Fire isnt too friendly to undead. We had a runeforge for killing undead long ago that was fire damage, it wasnt a good rune, but it was there.

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Already killed the paladins, took their lore too. Our hunger is eternal.


If I remember correctly, they completely demolished the DK when we were trying to get Tirion.

Thats not how DK lore works anyways.

I believe that was the LIGHT ITSELF in Lights Hope Chapel, Everybody else had been soundly defeated. This is an attempt to be light hearted about the subject, responding isnt mandatory.


Really cool idea to not screw over people that like post-Legion Unholy (lol) by tacking on a thematically unrelated spec to hold a playstyle. There’s totally precedent for that, since, you know, Blood DPS and 2h Frost proponents are already more than satisfied.

Why? It’s a lame idea.


If you want a healing spec on DK, you should not play DK. Healing has no place in a class dedicated to death and destruction.


Yea this.

There’s enough of a basis for the Fire DK to have grounds to be created. Ghost Rider, Hell Knights, etc are pretty popular in the DnD editions that you can run them in. I’m game for it.

If Blizzard is going for a 4th spec across the board with classes, Fire honestly makes the most sense with how things are now. The only real two choices for a 4th spec would be splitting Unholy down the middle, making a DoT+minion spec and a Dark Knight spec, OR Fire. There’s finite space in the class, and with Bolvar having such a strong fire theme, I think it’s totally possible, seeing how closely linked the player DK and Bolvar are.


literally couldnt be more wrong, but nice gatekeeping.

Bolvar burns with healing flames and it makes perfect sense.

Nah, Tirion didn’t get raised simply through the plot being altered to accommodate whining people. He originally actually was successfully raised until they altered the quest.


Nice use of buzzwords. Anything you disagree with is gatekeeping, sure.

There’s nothing in the DK class fantasy that says ‘oh boy our 4th spec should be a healer’. Absolutely nothing. Let me remind you that DK is the class that’s required to murder at least 30 innocent civilians during its starting zone. Nothing about the existing class fantasy suggests a healer is tonally appropriate, and giving us a healing spec makes us a paladin mirror, which is a pretty big nono. The game is already homogonized to hell, we don’t want to make it worse by making DK a second melee/tank/healer plate class.

Something like a Fleshtwister spec could belong to a hypothetical Necromancer. There’s room for a dark healing spec somewhere, but it’s not on Death Knight. I play DK and Warrior specifically BECAUSE there is no healing spec, it allows focused design, and a higher degree of quality in the two roles that are available.

Death: the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

Knight: (in the Middle Ages) a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor.

Death Knights don’t heal.


Seriously. Are people asking for insane specs just to ask at this point?


I mean with the leak of the Fiery Ebon Blade or whatever it’s called, I think fire DK is a possibility, but I don’t think in a million years that it could be a healer spec.

It’s also entirely possible the sword is just a generic specless sword given out by the Lich King, so it’s kind of a crapshoot.


I just want to be even more of a necromancer than unholy is currently. Thats all I want.

Wouldn’t be out of place, in legion class hall there was a (death knight?) necromancer NPC that was part of the class fantasy who summoned troops for you

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Unholy IS a Necromancer. It just fights with melee and plate armor.

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hence I used the words “even more”.

Unholy is already pretty much a melee necromancer like you said. Its why its my #1 favorite spec in the game, plus its just a lot of fun. But blizzard can really go all out with the necromancer fantasy with unholy next expansion which is almost for sure to be related to death in some way.

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Honestly, if they do end up doing anything with fire and Death Knights it’ll likely only be a “class skin” that over rides frost. That’s likely it. Your blue will turn orange and nothing else will change.

The irony here is they could of accommodated both sides and used it as a excuse to bring back his son, Taelan Fordring who was in Classic and kinda got a raw deal from the Scarlet Crusade. Just another suggestion I made on the beta which got ignored.

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