Finally we have HOGGER back!

Poor comparison for that which is hogger. Do him justice. Atari 2600 baby

The new new one is at least a faithful recreation of the HOTS version

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I’m sure I do. Are you really going to tell me the previous version in Dragonflight looked better than the newer one? The newer one is true to the original while having its graphics updated.

→ adverb

  1. in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.

WoW players have a thing against graphics being updated in general, lol


It doesnt embody the soul and essence of a gnoll. They took this savage,vicious looking creature and made them look like they would fit into Zootopia.

It was unacceptable.



That is literally the definition of using personal feelings or opinions on how you feel based on its comparison to the original lol.


People feel smart when they refer to their opinion as “objectively correct” or whatever. It’s funny.


Hogger like Leroy was a huge meme for the WoW community, not just that people would form literal level 1 ‘raids’ to take down Hogger. You can still find them on Youtube. He’s also been in more quests then just the one minute. He’s in a dungeon as well.

So think of him as like a major memento / memoir to Vanilla days.


Seriously lol that is quite literally a subjective opinion

I remember him being a pain in vanilla and people memeing him, but I still don’t understand the uproar over the first updated version.

I do forget what dungeon he was in.

I completely forget about him until he showed up in legion on my adventure table.

Hogger is like Chuck Norris. He is never to be forgotten. You shame us all


No, it’s not. It is clear the new one is better and I doubt that are many people that prefer the first version in DF. I can objectively access a situation and judge which one is better without basing it on personal feelings, which is also being impartial.

Regardless of that, I’m not here to argue semantics, so call it what you want. The newer version is an improvement over the last one and that’s what’s important.



I wouldn’t say it’s too much of an uproar as this is the first negative thing I heard, and is actually how I found out about it. But I can also see why people are upset. For me he was a childhood favorite character of mine because I remember being so proud of myself back in late BC defeating him.

He’s in the Stockades.

And then there’s also that lol.

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Hogger is a classic npc of legends, for many people it should be a mini world boss, so his model has to live up to it. Simply put, he has a special place in the hearts of many.


Ok so you just proved you have no idea the difference between subjective and objective, and you think your word is law. Got it lol

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ah! They have been going crazy about it on Reddit lol

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I like your name. Also your mog looks cool.

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I still have to /hug Hogger everytime I see him. But essentially this ^