Finally quitting the game and moving to FFXIV

Arugul alliance?

Super Mario Brothers is in bro.
Wiggles toes

I am waiting to see what Pali is like its being made by Ex Riot and Blizzard Developers If it does well it may mean the end of Warcraft for me. I am at the end of the wall of silence and the doubling down on systems that are ruining the game.

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I’ve been playing FFXIV recently as well. Not sure I plan to leave one for the other since MMOs for me aren’t a team sport, but there are definitely things about FFXIV I wasn’t sure about but ended up liking. Healing dungeons on my Scholar has actually been quite fun and - I know this is heresy - I don’t miss having meters, at all. Weirdly the dungeons still work out about the same (or better) without some neckbeard posting Details in every leveling dungeon.

I like WoW for different reasons (still not sure how I am with the cat girl and loli crap, but then… Vulpera, so), but I’ll definitely say the in-game community has been much less of a trash fiesta. I also wish the initial story wasn’t such a snoozefest, but I’m not sure how many points I can realistically dock it for there when I also read Shadows Rising.


I looked at the free version but they only have humans or green human or human with cat ears…i dont wanna be human otherwise I’d play it…i cant get past the character creation…though I see two other races not available…im assuning ones the human rabbit ears xP whats the other?

If its the tigar guy race from FF10 I may be tempted.

Glad you’re enjoying FFXIV. It’s a great game!

WoW is still my main game, but I admire FFXIV and hope WoW can learn from it. Things I’d like WoW to take from FFXIV is their player housing system, professions, and in depth narrative story design that isn’t afraid to get long. Otherwise, things I enjoy WoW for I wish FFXIV would take are gameplay because FFXIV feels really slow. I also wish they had more diverse races, such as worgen, goblins, undead, orcs etc. It’s really tough for me to get into the FFXIV aesthetic since I love playing high fantasy races and there isn’t any such thing in FFXIV.


I would play but their Macro system is nothing like WOW’s.

I hate the fact that MMO’s I would like to play or try I can never get past the control system, it kills the game for me =(

Yeah I heard about that, is that the quests where they have you go back to the Waking Sands 327946237894632 times to talk to Minfilia? Or the 32463246734 quests that are talk to one guy who sends you to talk to another guy, who sends you to talk to another guy and then you go to a purple goop circle, kill two guys and go talk to 3 more guys?

I’m trying to like FF14, but the game is really making me not like it. The beginning is slow, tedious, and not at all interesting.

Idk man…WoW has felt empty for months, obvioulsy with 9.1 WoW will get another bump but longevity wise - I think a game like FF14 will take it’s spot.

Did a trial a week or so ago, and the individual character development / complexity in various storylines / quests and things actually being fun will lead people to stay vs WoW’s constant issue with keeping play interesting and relevant.

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I felt the same way when I played it. The character creation is awesome however like you said their races seem all the same with minor differences and that kinda killed it for me too =(

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Honestly I’d say stick with it for a while. The early game is notoriously boring because your class isn’t ‘‘complete’’ yet. Have a look at some raid gameplay videos and see if you would enjoy this kind of gameplay.
I really fell in love with the slower, more methodical gameplay with more keybinds and options on what to do but I understand it’s not for everyone.


Which FF server did you decide to join? Exodus on the Primal block is pretty good if you’re unsure.

Don’t worry you’ll always be told that “it gets better after 50 hours” and they keep moving the goal posts back. A Realm Reborn is literal dumpster tier writing and you get a pretty average story with Heavensward. After that it’s back in the dumpster for the entirety of Stormblood until you get to Shadowbringers. I’m currently at 350 hours in this game and still have not once made it to end game. Not to mention 95% of the game isn’t even voice acted until SB so you’re stuck reading text where the vast majority of it has nothing to do with what’s currently happening in the game world.


You should stick to WoW, since the writing here suits your tastes better.

I kinda agree with you the races in FFXIV feel less interesting than in wow but imo this is vastly compensated by how incredibly looking gear and armour sets are in the game.


That’s not true at all. First, Heavenward is pretty great; and I’ll disagree entirely that Stormblood is ‘dumpster’ tier. Sheesh. The game certainly is linear, but the story after 50 gets increasingly tighter and the world this takes place in is diverse, beautiful even, and filled with people enjoying the experience.

The FF community is very different than the crowd on these forums. Ask for help in the Novice chat and you’ll have an occasional jerk and 1-offer and many more people interested in giving you sound advice and guidance.

I could go on, but I just didn’t want to let those comments stand unchallenged. I disagree. But, as far as reading text goes–yes, don’t come to FF14 if you’re unable or unwilling to read. It’s rather expected as you play through the game.


I’ve tried four times to get into FFXIV, but I simply couldn’t. The combat is about as awful as any MMO I’ve ever played in my life. Clunky, huge global cooldown, just feels awful.

With combat being as awful as it is, that’s enough to be a dealbreaker for me.

Don’t like the towns, mobs, the way every thing is setup, just hate it all.

I’m a huge Final Fantasy fan, but the online iteration? Yeah, no, it sucks… it REALLY sucks.


I mean you play 2 button spamming class, it make sense why you’d hate it.


You’re right there. I feel WoW classes have more options for skills and abilities. Hard to argue otherwise.