Finally killed Ghuun on Normal

Ghuun is drop is so useless that most people didnot even do it untill this week just for achievement


Your spacing is easier as ranged to not get hit with double wave of corruption.

There are 2 things to do.

Move out with debuff, which both ranged and melee have to do, and ranged can still somewhat hit the boss while doing it as opposed to melee.

Slide on then off pizza.

Attack of the Clones? You liked that movie?

AOTC means Ahead of the Curve.

As an aside though, I think Attack of the Clones was a bit boring, but it had a few funny bits (like when C3PO lost his head and had it placed on a battle droid), Revenge of the Sith was a lot darker and more interesting.

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Congratz! :slight_smile: Good work!

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I recently pugged and one shot him on heroic.

Oh well done, I didn’t know that was still going, I thought it expired or is there another day to go still? I may try again later.

You shouldn’t compare any raid at all to the pathetically undertuned EN. That raid was an abomination of a faceroll and if you think that is at all representative of baseline entry raids for a tier you are very mistaken.

I actually found that raid really hard when it first came out…the first boss was easy, but that spider boss was a bit of a PUG killer.

Ghuun sucks. 10/10 would never do again.
Guild intends to come back sometimes, farm 7/8M, and gtfo.

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Congratulations! :slight_smile:

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I think the only entrance raid easier than EN was Wrath opening with Naxx reskin.

Normal mode doesn’t award AOTC. Also, Normal G’huun is really easy.

Not in PUGS

I didn’t do it because I don’t do favors for Horde filth.

Well that is our opinion. Both Uldir and EN are entry level raids. Entry level raids are meant to be easy when compared to later raids.

And to be honest, even heroic G’huun is a pain. Even more so than bosses like heroic KJ.

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Oh heroic KJ was quite a fight…it made up for the complete lack of respect KJ got by being demoted from an end of expansion boss to mid-tier boss.

Except they’ve never stated that as a design intention. The content may be easier numerically as far as checks because they are designed around the gear available from them/preceding them. Historically no entry tier raid has ever been the absolute joke that EN was. Blizzard even came out and admitted they had massively undertuned it.

They aren’t remotely similar in terms of difficulty. If you honestly think H. G’huun is/was more painful than H. KJ you are being completely untruthful to yourself.

That was mainly with mythic Xavius. Not EN has a whole. (You didn’t even get cutting edge Xavius)

Although I would like to see a source on blizzard saying that the whole raid was undertuned. But you won’t because “reasons”. Or you would tell me to look it up myself. Meaning that you can’t back it up.

Tell me about it.

We wiped or reset god knows how many times on H, more than three quarters down when we finally did get him…what made me laugh is the number of other H geared people who couldnt handle more than a few wipes and quit…want to know the ones that STAYED and got it done?

LATAM players who stuck it out with us. God love 'em, at least THEY had patience.

One PUG guy told us if we didnt get it in one shot he was leaving. He did leave.

Patience seems to be in very short supply…and THEN I had some guy here question if my AOTC was “legit”…sheesh.

Il will never understand people who sneer at others or belittle what they have done “You were carried” or “How much did you pay”…we did it as a team.

Elae got it on normal, well done, we did it on H and I am damned proud of the fact we didnt think we’d get it that night…and we did.