Finally killed Ghuun on Normal

I am considering leading/tanking a quick heroic run later today after work (EST). If any of you see me online feel free to ask for inv. Might be fun to get a lot of people their AOTC really quick. I do agree though Ghuun is a nightmare boss for DK totally a boring tank fight and he doesn’t drop ANYTHING good for Blood.

Uldir as a whole I feel is a total braindead raid for dedicated tanks. First two bosses don’t even require off tanking. The only really hard fight is Zul. Zek is really fun and challenging at times, at least its fast paced. Again on Ghuun don’t even need an off tank until Ghuun comes out.

I haven’t looked at the new encounters yet as part of me wants to experience them in person. I really very much hope this raid is bigger for tanks.

Yeah Argus was a fairly forgiving fight. I liked it though because I got to dot all of the things.

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I mean, you can have a lot of fun in pugs. I did mine with a total pick up and it was just rotating out bad players. Those of us who survived the cut just had a blast chatting with each other and concocting a plan of attack.

I wouldn’t call Aggramar hard either, it was just reliant on a DK knowing what they were doing. I wasn’t playing during KJ’s relevance and I got him down just before the prepatch but we outgeared it.

If you want a real raid fight, Kael’thas or Vashj.

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Coven was one of my favorites because of how good we felt when we got them down then continued to improve upon it.

Trimming is good we definitely have had to do that, it’s just with ghuun you would wait so long just for a warlock portal to queue up… ect.

I don’t think it’s a question of Ghuun being a million times harder than KJ or Coven or whatever, that’s not what gets me about Ghuun. It’s that Ghuun just wasn’t as fun for me because of the headaches of refilling constantly once most people doing heroic had their AOTC.

Part of it could be Ghuun’s drops were really really bad all the way around. The loot from Argus made it fun even though it was an easy fight, but I’ll have to admit I loved that raid’s fights before Argus quite a lot. I liked Uldir’s fights, I just thought the end boss wasn’t as fun and the rewards were pretty bad for many class specializations.

Ghuun was never hard…just very very ANNOYING.

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The problem with Ghuun is that you need multiple players that can solo the orbs. And not all specs can solo the orbs, and not all players have the experience to do it anyway. Which is all right in a raiding guild. You can jig things around until you get the right mix. But in a more-or-less randomly assembled pug, it’s not fun.

Congrats, good for you!

I understand what you are meaning about AOTC.

Good job!

This really makes no sense in the face of your previous comment regarding the unforgiving nature of G’huun. KJ was infinitely less forgiving than G’huun at any setting.

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No. The problem with G’huun is people thinking you have to solo run every orb and getting frustrated when that doesn’t work. The expectation should always be to have two orb runners and if one wants to try and solo it due to being one of the high mobility classes, then the other person just follows in case it doesn’t work.


6/8 heroic on all my 120s and don’t need any loot from Ghuun. A buddy gives me grief about aotc but to me if I don’t need the gear I’m not doing the boss. I could use the ring of Mythrax on this toon but at this point I’m like meh.



Now go for AOTC and perhaps cutting edge next tier.

Join a guild . Become the best in that guild

Join a better guild. Become the best at that guild


Remember you only get better at game by playing with better players.

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We’ve only downed H Ghuun twice. Once for the AOTC, and we figured we’d never go back because his loot is meh. But we decided to go for it again a couple of weeks ago.

Both times we’ve downed him, we did it with 11 people (or whatever the cutoff is before the orb debuff increases in duration). We tried both times with pugs, and then we eventually just ditched them and stuck with a small group size. Worked very well both times.

Don’t see why so many people say that smaller groups can’t make it work.

Really cool to see. Glad you got it hero!

Smaller groups require solo runners and having a bad comp for it makes it not go.

We got our AotC with four pugs, two of them healers.

Not true at all. We had 1 demon hunter who could solo. The other groups just had to buddy up and run. We had 2 lock portals.

2 rogues (one being me) ran one orb (sprint and shadow step + lock portal is plenty)… I’m looking back at the screenshot of our first kill, and I don’t even remember who the other orb group was. I’m sure our mage w/ double blinks and quite possibly even resto shammy.

It’s possible. People just don’t want to bother trying anything besides solo runners + 2 lock portals.

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We didn’t have locks for most of our attempts. That’s a problem when the fights almost require certain classes. In mythic, I can see to an extent, but not normal or heroic.

In our AotC kill, we had to pug a second warlock. Our attempts on Friday, we had 0 locks. Runners failed half the time.

Our AoTC I was the only lock, but we had between 20 - 30 players. I can’t remember the exact amount as it has been a few months. That said, we definitely had enough players to double every dunk. We obviously had the gateway on the left side though, so we got as much use out of it as we could.

Yup, KJ was an RNG flustercluck. We split our raid up during Armageddons into quadrants. With quick movement classes responding to unbalanced circles in other quadrants. I frequently would get double stacks of the debuff because I could handle it as Affliction. Often times this was necessary because all the melee classes were dashing for the open one in an unbalanced quadrant so I almost always soaked one in my area.

Grats! Hope you have fun.

Isn’t AOTC the proof of the glory?

Anyway. Congratulations.

I didn’t mind Ghuun. Not the most imaginative fight but I still liked it better than Mythrax. I couldn’t stand that fight. But, I get your point about it being the last boss so should have been better, which I agree with you on.