Finally got my first BfA follower to legendary

And soon after two or three missions left, they will all be legendary

Took me since January to grind them. Will say that it took much longer than Legion followers did but still enjoyed it

Hopefully Shadowlands mission table will be better if there is one announced

I have an idea on how to improve it.


Delete mission tables


I recently had a new character level up followers in Legion again. The xp gain is way faster, 1000 xp for each quest if they’re a bodyguard and 3000, 4500, or 6000 xp for different types of quests. Elite strike force missions do still come up rarely, and give 10k xp. But the xp required to level up is different too.

It’s here to stay, accept it

This is the unfortunate truth. Blizzard spent way too much time developing and refining it for them to ever abandon it.

I feel bad
I’ve abandoned my followers

They’ve been worse and worse since introduced

From actually fun in wod to embarrassingly there now

I was doing some farming in Draenor and picked up a couple of followers while I was there.

I don’t understand the negativity against mission tables. No one forces you to play them. For me, I only do them in the middle of the night when insomnia hits or when I am away from home sitting around bored out of my skull. I must have a lot of time cuz all my are legendary except from one of the alliance followers who is worthless.

am i missing anything by not having legendary followers?

I tripped outside on the sidewalk and broke my wrist
My followers are on their own

Only my twinks use the BfA mission table. One is about to get her neck up to 85.

No no no. That’s all wrong.

You need a bigger hammer.

At least the table isn’t mandatory this expansion aside from 1 or 2 quests. I don’t care if they keep it as long as it stays optional.

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We could take those suckers with us and quest with them, they gave us buffs and such, how it went from that to this I have no idea.

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I found the wod mission table to be demotivating. Every time I tried to commit myself to leveling up followers it made me want to play less. Now the Legion mission board I had a relationship with.

Grind your followers? LMAO now I have heard everything. If taking 5 secs to click your mouse button to send off followers then wait hours doing anything elsee is grinding, then that is funny. I hit mine all Legendary awhile ago not even thinking nor worrying about. Completing missions on any rank they are was easy.

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There were a LOT of followers, like holy cow, no offense, but yeah it got a bit overwhelming when I started to dig my teeth into it all. Still loved it and wow did I make some gold!

Missions tables are still a thing?

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: