Finally got my first BfA follower to legendary

But getting 20+ followers with max ilvl feels so good.


What? They can reach legendary statusā€¦? Wow, thatā€™s just sad I remember finishing Legion, the Mage tower, plus all the reps and all quests in table and barely gotten one past blueā€¦ I think some reach purple.

Why implement to reach that high when you can clearly finish before a Companion reach legendary level? :roll_eyes:
Was this intended or just something for does who wanted to get their companions that high? :thinking:

But I havenā€™t seriously touched a mission table since WoD.

I sometimes do Garrison Resources Missions (edit: not just in WoD) on my Druid if I bother to do my Mining (True Iron Ore starved 24/7). To buy more True Iron Ore from the trader. But I donā€™t do it daily lol.

Legion I did the ones needed for the campaign when those quests came upā€¦ thatā€™s about it.

BFA? Pretty sure all my followers are Green/Maybe I have one blue?

Being able to do it in your phone is super easy. Takes less than 3 mins a day.

What? No. It was a ridiculous, economy ruining, soul sucking, mobile gaming piece of garbage in WoD. Now itā€™s a nice and quick side activity for AP or Rep. Itā€™s much, MUCH, better now. I canā€™t believe what Iā€™m reading.

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Itā€™s lazy garbage, and needs removal.

This was implemented bit by bit when it was current content. We did it as we played the game. If you had been playing all along, your followers were already legendary before Argus opened up the new follower gear.

I have a character who is about to get her 6th follower up to 950. 2 of 6 doing missions are legendary, as is the bodyguard.

I have 2 teams of 2 druids who regularly plow through Legion world quests still getting follower gold per quest. One team gets 60 gold, one gets 50.

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Ah I see I enter a bit laterā€¦ in legion thatā€™s why! Thanks for info!

The rewards being imbalanced isnā€™t relevant to the mechanics tbh

How about the endless grind with dozens of followers many times a day? It was terrible. As for the mechanics themselves, I personally donā€™t care. Iā€™m okay as long it is a very minor part of the game.

Agreed, you feel as if I would if fishing was mandatory lol

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Not unless you have a surplus of follower equipment (it gives characters an extra slot). Alas, most of my legendary followers have empty slots going to waste.