Finally got Baa'l!

I was away from game all/most of BfA and SL so missed out on doing the Baa’l hunt when it was current. Started doing it last April and got to the pebble in Nazmir fatigue area and was frustrated due to the fatigue bar beating me down. Just completed it today and wanted to share this tip for anyone still needing to do it that, like me does not have a character under 50.

Most of the tips rely on potions/foods that stop working at 49/50, however now that dragonriding is everywhere it made it much easier to do this part of the hunt. DR’d to the marker where the ship is and aquatic form got me to the ship with time to spare in getting the pebble.


Congratulations. I remember when I finally got Baa’l, I waited until flying was available in BfA. And I remember thinking what a nuisance this would have been if I had been like others and gotten it right away, without being able to fly.

Baa’l is, without a doubt, the most involved questline to acquire a pet in the entire game. Even the Falcosaurs, for all the questing involved, pale in comparison to Baa’l, which actually starts with getting Uuna from Legion.


I had actually given up on getting Baa’l, just couldn’t get that pebble in Nazmir. Happened to do a pet battle last night where i used Baa’lial and was telling my roommate about Baa’l… had the thought about dragonriding occur to me in the shower (isn’t that where the best ideas happen?)

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The pebbles were the ones that gave me the most trouble. I don’t know if they fixed this, but the numbering on the guide in Wowhead forgot to include one of the steps in the numbering. And you have to acquire these pebbles in the exact right order.

What I mean is, they listed all the pebbles in the right order, but they didn’t number one of the steps. Consquently, one pebble was just included with the previous pebble under the same pebble. Consequently, I skipped that second pebble under the same number and tried to go with the next one and was out of mind trying to figure out why I couldn’t get it. Finally I saw it.

Baa’l is definitely a good pet.

I like using him on Cyrene Brightblade with Inland Croaker. It is the most reliable strat I’ve found for carrying a leveling pet on that NPC in Draenor.


In spite of all my grumbling about the game and scaring the cat cursing at the monitor, I love some of the little touches Blizzard throws in.

After all those hours trying to get Uuna, then even more hours and more frustrating hours working on Baa’l, there’s a complicated follow-up. Not a pet but a cosmetic belt transmog that Baa’l opens up the grinding for. The Waist of Time.

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We all have our pets that seem too hard to get, don’t seem to drop or don’t show up

Mine was the Arctic Fox Kit. So many times I would fly into the Storm Peaks and see it snowing, only to see the snow disappear when I landed.

Baa’l is a cool pet and worth the effort. There are other pets you stand on your head to collect and never pull them out

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Baa’l is different in that he’s not RNG. I suppose Uuna could be RNG, but as I recall it wasn’t that bad. But once you have Uuna, getting Baa’l is just a lot of work. Not like Unborn Val’kyr, who only spawns at select locations . . . maybe.

I did this as well last night… soooo very much traveling… :rofl:

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They increased her spawn rates a while back. She’s really not difficult to get now.


And aren’t you glad you waited until flying is available? Can you imagine doing it without it?

Another tip. You have to go to Mount Hyjal at some point and unfortunately, the Azerite explosions interfere with Uuna’s progression. I bypassed this by using a toon that has never set foot in BfA. No BfA; no Azerite eruptions.

I had had her for a while, think I got her during Legion/end of Legion when I was bored and looking for things to do. My traveling comment was in relation to the Waist of Time transmog—had to go everywhere!

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I got Uuna at the end of Legion, too. As I recall, the word was that they would be doing something with Uuna related to pets, so I got on board. Then when people talk about getting after the items that she needs to weaken Baa’l and the quest line involved, I don’t know why, but I just assumed I would fail if I tried. (That’s kind of my default attitude when it comes to anything in this game.)

Then I got bored with waiting for flying to finally be released. (I truly despise a certain person that I can’t name, for his relentless micromanaging control-freak attitude.) And I terminated my account. Then when I came back, flying was finally out, and I decided to give Baa’l a try. And to my disbelief, to this day, I got him.

But hey, when the Safari Hat came out, I assumed I would never get that either.

I get it completely, I had to give up raiding due to my eyes and 3 TIAs, and it was furstrating enough I almost quit for good, but decided to dive into alternative content. I became what is now called and over-world player long before the term was mainstream.

I chase achievments, battle pets, mounts, toys,etc. I gear up the best I can through events and LFR and just trying to remember it is a game and to have fun with it. To be fair though (LOL) I was an “achievement hunter” before the system was ever put into WoW–I remember the conversation with a longtime in-game friend about when achievements were announced “Finally, something for a player like me.” I chased quests like a mad-person for a long time, one of my more favorite discoveries to this day was finding a quest series Alliance could do in Durotar!

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Goodness. I hope you’re taking care of yourself. You’re in my prayers.


I just finished this, too, last week!

Started Baa’l, realized I needed “completed” Uuna, so did that … then got Baa’l!

And to prove what a TRUE masochist I am… I then went and got the Waist of Time!!! oh looorrddyyyy on that one! lol

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Now you’ve all got me curious. And I have never been that interested in mogs. I bought a couple from the Trading Post (Why not? The currency is free.) but beyond that, I’ve never chased one. More than once, I’ve been at a particular NPC buying pets because I’ve gotten the necessary renown, and I’ve felt bad for mount and transmog collectors. That stuff is expensive, and usually requires a higher rep grind than pet collection.

Imagine being someone who collects mounts, pets and mogs???

ETA: By the way, if those of you who have just acquired Baa’l ever do the Draenor Circuit again to level pets, the strat on Xu-Fu that involves Inland Croaker (which I know you all have because you can’t complete the Safari without catching one) and Baa’l (when fighting Cyrene Brightblade) is a masterpiece. It’s the one strat I found that can reliably bring in a carry pet, even as low as level one.

Did you get Jenafur as well?

While Baa’l was arduous in what you had to do in-game, Jenafur was agonizing to watch as the SF community tried to solve it. :joy:

I don’t know what that is.

I was trying to follow along with an extremely poorly-made video by Calooseeus on YouTube.

I thought I was going to have to go back, but the very nice thing about this quest is that if the timer runs out on the placement of the pieces of meat, they will be replaced and you can try again. So, I now own Jenafur.

I can’t imagine how anyone just discovered you could do this. How could anyone have possibly figured all this out, from the NPCs you had to meet with (although you didn’t actually have to interact with the Crazy Cat Lady, just find a bowl in her house), from the order in which you had to gather the pieces of meat to their placement?

Short of hacking their way into WoW to find this out, I cant imagine how anyone discovered this.

It was something to do with music theory.

Unfortunately, the girl involved with the pet passed away last April.

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