Finally got Baa'l!

The trick is to never buy anything in WoW. Play the game. If you want something… just go get it.

That should be the point! lol For “collectors”, such as myself, that’s THE FUN PART! lol

I was never into xmog at all a long time ago. And then something came along I ACTUALLY wanted … so I chased it down and was fine with that.

And then the “collector” part of my brain said: you’re unlocking all this stuff ANYWAY, just make it a point that when you run old content to actually KEEP the xmog and unlock it (once that feature was unlocked, can’t even rem when that was… WoD, Legion?)

And now here we are. My personal goal is to collect 90% of all plate xmog and I’m around 92% atm!!! I don’t really play alts, so I have no interest in collecting mail, leather, cloth … but my focus on Plate keeps me busy enough.

Best way to start is to find an xmog you really like… and go hunt it down! :slight_smile:

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I don’t chase mogs, with very few exceptions. Honestly, the plate stuff is so elaborate that I’m kind of put off by it. I prefer the very simplest mogs. Against a background of all these complex, intricate mogs, going basic stands out in its own way.

But have you done the Lord Godfrey’s Old Spectacles? They actually look pretty cool. I don’t know if you’ve done the return to Gilneas questline yet, but you can go fishing for them. Eventually, you’ll catch a cosmetic mog. Most people say it takes about 150 to 200 casts. I’d say I caught mine at the 150 end, based on the number of skillups I acquired.

Interesting thing, though. If you fish for them off the dock where you arrive, with Mia and Genn Greymane, you get skillups in Dragon Isle fishing. However, if you fish for them in the moat surrounding the city proper, you get skillups in Classical Fishing.

At least that was my experience, and I mentioned it in the replies on Wowhead. If you’ve done the quest already (which is a terrible questline, but at the very least, it’s short, and you can fly in the outdoor parts), you can certainly go on an alt. I don’t know if you can just fly to Gilneas to fish them for now. I imagine you could, but I’d hate to send someone to Gilneas to go fishing for an hour, only to find that they can’t get the spectacles.

They also have screenshots for them on Wowhead, so you can see how they look for yourself.

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I’m a late Jane to this party but finally got Baa’l today. Last pebble was my hang up.

Good luck to all the other Baa’l hunters out there!!