It’s a bit of an eye sore. I wish there was a way to turn down the mount brightness
I got Mims Head and if you don’t like hearing annoying helicopter noises, then be ready to have your volume turned down.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the visuals of it and use it often. But I also usually turn my volume down a good bit when I do.
Congratulations! I’m glad you’ve got those two!
That is a cool mount but the noises it makes gets on my nerves.
No way I could use it, but I would love to have it!
i’d give you the extra i got when i was farming mog, if i could. you’re a good bean.
edit the people in this thread would hate me. 2 ashes in like a dozen runs. 1st kill (total at max level) rivendare’s. 3 times total for ony. got like 3 mounts from WoD rares in one night of play. i am not a collector. most of the time i give the mounts to whoever i’m with. the mount from mythic BRF dropped and i gave it to my wife. a bit later it dropped again. etc.
my most recent is lifebinders. i never did past the bosses that dropped mog i wanted but it dropped the other day with my wife when we were trying to get her blazing drake. she didn’t get it. when it drops its hers though. lol.
I’ve killed Rukhmar over 1000 times, I think I’ve about had enough.
Between Rukhmar (not yet dropped), both Firelands mounts (obtained) and Onyxia (obtained) I would have almost 3000 attempts combined, and that’s the mounts I keep track off, god knows how many times I ran Stratholme over the years before that finally stopped giving me nightmares.
I regularly head out mount farming and it’s a damn nightmare some days.
Thank you.
I always though it was an ugly mount until I saw someone in Stormwind riding it the other day. The pictures do not do it justice, in person it was glorious!
I can’t complete the section on the dragon, I kept falling off his back and got too frustrated to derive any fun from the challenge, so I gave up on the blazing dragon and the green dragon from the achievement (I have the rest of the dragons needed).
But good luck to your wife!
Grats on your birb.
Same lol I’m going on all my alts before reset Tuesday. Fingers crossed for ya!
Grats OP!
Who cares dude?
Go enjoy you mount and stop make stupid posts like this one.
This isn’t your diary.
Congratulations amigo, enjoy!
Semper Fi!
You must be fun at parties. Let OP celebrate his/her enjoyment of obtaining a new mount without crapping on it.
I got the heavenly onyx yesterday, farmed the rep and the coins in about 7-8 hours for it. It’s nice
Grats! I should really try for those, but I’m easily distra …ooh, shiny!
Hey I was right there with you on Spine right up until about a week ago. I tried it again and bam! Solo’ed it.
Here’s the strat;
Keep you character up against each plate section but you do have to run from side to side for the whole encounter. It’s annoying but doable.
Killing a tentacle spawns a fire elemental, and the bloods (orange blobs on the ground) will pretty much swarm you, but don’t worry, at level 50 they can’t hurt you.
BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN TARGETING!!! You will see a number counter on the right side of the elementals pic when you Target it. You want to get that number up to 9. How do you do this? Kill the bloods under the elemental and as each one does that number goes up. This is why I said be careful targeting because if you kill the elemental before the counter gets to 9, you have to kill another tentacle and start over . MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT USING AOE ABILITIES!! Single attacks only and I ususy only use auto attack to take out the bloods.
Once that counter hits 9, kill the elemental and it will start doing a move called “Nuclear Blast”. Don’t worry this won’t hurt you. When it explodes, it will pull the plate up a good bit. Target the Sinew kill it, plate flies off. Repeat two more times and that’s it. When you get to the Sinew, feel free to unload a massive AOE on it. Just not before that elemental hits 9 on that counter.
Try not to fear it. Watch some YouTube videos on solo’ing if you need more help but it is very doable now. I do it with 3 Ret Pallies, 2 Frost DK’s and a Feral Druid each week now, so you don’t have to sweat Melee classes doing it.
Thank you for such specific instructions.
I was using a hunter for it. I believe she was the equivalent of present day’s lvl 49.
I have watched youtube videos. My problem is I fall off the dragon before I can accomplish any of the things you are saying or the video shows.
One questions though, why am running back and forth? That is usually why I fall off.
Rep and coins for the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent? I’m confused…
Gz on Al’ar.
I don’t know what I would go for if I ever got back into mount farming. I have all of the TBC and Wrath mounts. TLPD, Emerald drake, hivemind, 400 mount mount. Maybe Nalak’s mount as I like cloud serpents.