I farmed DS for a long time to get all three mounts out of there. You don’t have to run back and forth the entire time. When you kill the tentacles just stand in there. You won’t be thrown when he rolls.
Frist just kill a bunch of bloods. Let them pile up. Than when you think you have 9+ bloods on the ground kill another tentacle and start the back and forth (after he rolls so you don’t’ die) run the add over the blood and get a quick 9 stack, burn it on the plate and run back into your safe spot when you can. Rinse and repeat.
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Nice! I’m at 398/400 right now and I’m probably saving Vengeance for my 400th since my guild’s close to getting M Sylv down.
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Sec let me log into retail so I can look at the right temonlogy for the fight. I don’t know the non bloods add name off the top of my head.
Ok so when in the tenderail you kill you let the blood come to you and you kill them like I said before. Then you kill another when you see enough blood on the ground to summon another Hideous Amalgamation. This add will soak up the blood up to nine times but rolls off deathwings back so you don’t want to make deathwing roll when you start this process.
When you have nine stacks you bring the amalgamation to the center of the plate you are about to burst open. Dps the amalgamation down and the plate appears. Kill the plate and you hurt deathwing. Do it three times and you win.
Hiding in the killed tendrils just means you don’t have to run back and forth all the time while bloods come out. It is very nice and lessens the chances you screw up and die. Just make sure not to hide in there when trying to hurt the boss or you will roll off the amalgamation you need to hurt the boss.
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Wait, I make deathwing roll?
The fight originally had Deathwing roll if too many people were on one side of the boss, but because you are doing it solo that happens automaticity so you can’t stop him from rolling unless you bring someone with you.
To stop this you run from one side of his back to the other or hide in the tendril corpse.
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Grats on your ashes of alar, I love this mount!! Best one in the game imclgo 
You show that blood elf stinker who’s boss!
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You have to get exalted with emperor shaohoa, and you have to get 100,000 timeless coins.
Unless I’m thinking of a different heavenly could serpent.
That is the golden one. The onyx one drops off the Sha of Anger and has an insanely low drop rate.
Also I have a question. Can you farm in the area by the world boss on the timeless isle without the cap if the world boss is dead? I thought that was supposed to be a thing but not sure if anyone takes advantage of it for farming that mount today. I know he is still killed up there so people could summon up there and kill mobs.
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Those are truly momentous occasions! Congratulations on nabbing both!
/Raises glass in toast
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Ahhh ok.
And I’m not sure, I don’t have the mop leggo so I didn’t go in that area, but I farmed the area below that, took forever and it was extremely boring, but the mount was worth it.
Also alot of the bind on account gear drops, that you can send to alt that is lvling.
I see it was already cleared up lol. Had me worried I had missed some new easier way to get the onyx one!
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Maybe it’s because I’ve played the game for so long, but I personally think it holds up quite well. Are other mounts that have come after more detailed? Yeah, of course. But I think it still looks great.
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