Finally an alliance civil war incoming

That data about the Scarlets was datamined all the way back since 8.1.5, so I doubt it will have any impact on Shadowlands. Nobbel did a video on it actually.

Queen Anduin stands for peace.

Let all who would threaten The Queen’s Peace receive The Queen’s Justice!

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I agree! death to all those reasonable people who think the Alliance should maybe hold the Horde accountable for something for once.

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Shush, your fanfics are supersceeded by my Wrathion/Anduin ship.


Cause they are stupid these people want another mop cause two wasn’t enough

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The Scarlet Brotherhood has an Arathi who claims to be the Son of Calia despite the fact that Calia had a Daughter…

The Arathi is clearly lying and wants to reclaim the Kingdom his family renounced all ownership of.

Of course considering the Arathi are the founders of Stormwind this guy may be the rightful King to Stormwind if nothing else. Even if his right to the throne of Lordaeron is easily disproved his right to the throne of Stormwind is still viable.

It’s all pretty much been stated. The Scarlet Crusade ain’t got ****. They’re faking.

And they’re enemies with the Alliance already, so that ain’t no civil war.

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God, THANK YOU. So many people are demanding “inner conflict,” and like… that’s been horrible for the Horde, I don’t want it for us. There are ways to make a faction interesting without chewing it apart from the inside.

Why the hell would some random kid from Arathi be the heir to the throne of Stormwind? The throne has always belonged to the Wrynn monarchy, so unless this guy happens to be a Wrynn (which I 100% doubt), he has no claim whatsoever.

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The Scarlet Crusade is agitating people in the Alliance.

Yes, the heir they claim to have doesn’t match the child Callia has talked about. But then they say she is lying.

This is not nothing. Bellulargaming has a good youtube video on this…

Won’t happen. Horde has to do something crazy and brash so the alliance can react. Not the other way around, it’s always been this way.

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Undead Blanchy next expansion villain.

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Ahhhhhh my bad, I will retreat in shame now

This is like… bad bad bad fan fiction levels of… head cannon? Trolling?

And yet… I’m intrigued.

Tell me, do Lor’themar and Jaina hook up while Thalyssra runs off with Muradin? Falstad maybe?

Do we find out that the Defias Brotherhood returns as well, now fully funded by the Royal Apothecary society? The slogan can be “None may challenge the Dark Lady”.

I eagerly anticipate Chapter 2.


The horde and the gnomes became friends at Mechagon, would have to scrap that off the list.

I saw people talking about the Scarlet Crusade and a supposed child of Calia, but I hadn’t looked into it today. It’s an interesting idea to have a possible secret heir claiming a throne, but it doesn’t really work in this setting for a numerous reasons, the biggest being there is no throne for this heir to claim.

Another issue is the Scarlet Crusade is a faction, much like the Twilight Hammer, that has been beaten into the dirt, they shouldn’t exist anymore. And is their propaganda pamphlets read like some sensation news channel, what are we back to Cataclysm writing?

It could make for an interesting story beat if it actual fit into the universe and didn’t feel like it was just hamfisted in out of the blue.

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The Alliance isn’t “affiliated” with the Scarlet Crusade, and the “heir” they have is Calia’s son, and thus the prince of Lordaeron not Stormwind…

Just look up “the last menethil” on wowpedia. Its effectively just a propaganda pamphlet by the scarlet crusade claiming they have found an heir to the throne of Lordaeron.

https: //wow. gamepedia .com/ The_Last_Menethil

Alliance characters
being bad guys

Unironically the last Alliance oriented character to be made into a “bad guy” was Benedictus in the last patch of Cataclysm. Don’t worry. If Blizzard stays true to it’s form what they’ll do is create a bunch of nobodies with loose, vague Alliance ties that do all the bad stuff and never get punished for it (You know, like that Gunship captain in MoP that ordered her men to gun down dozens of unarmed Orcs that were uppity enough to not be dead already). Meanwhile we’ll start turning the vendors in Thunder Bluff into raid bosses because they’re all that’s left.


I wouldn’t exactly put much on stake here. Bellular also said that we served N’zoth and made tons of theories, only ever few making an actual appearance or impact in the Story. The Gift of N’zoth for example being absolutely worthless post N’zoth death.

Benedictus, Bishop Farthing, Elerethe Renferal. Not many Alliance Characters become evil, but their reasonings for their said betrayals is never properly depicted in game or even given organically. Benedictus was entirely theory craft and half-baked in the same expansion. If you read none of Cataclysm’s books or stories, you’d never guess Benedictus was going rogue.