Final Word Event [Shaman vs Paladin]

Hey you streamers and top players of SoD !

What about an event →

10 Shamans vs 10 Paladins in a VIP Warsong Gulch? or 15 vs 15 in Arathi Basin?

Let’s do it



To be honest I would watch it. I need to know who is lying.


don’t think there is enough rets

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The shock squad can fill in the ranks brother

Shaman would get 5 capped and then pallys would have no reason to ever come to the forums again.

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Only if you were on the shaman team mr grey parser

hehe honestly given equal skill , this would be an intriguing matchup.

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Even when the rat paladins win they would still somehow say shamans are OP :rofl:

And if they lose you’d still be crying on the forums about them

suddenly streamers and top players of SoD turned into hibernation mode

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You can make it to 24 today little bro, I suggest you try restedxp

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Shaman wins by default, they counter paladins. Gonna be a spam purge/dispell till paladin gets oom and since shaman never does it’s free win.

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Having both a shaman and paladin…paladins would win the first match up with timed bubbles. However, after that shamans would dominate when the bubbles are down.

i think youre thinking the pallies are only ret for some reason .

shockadins are rather strong atm and some of the pallies can be holy …

like you arent really fully considering all the variables here.

i think it would be alot closer than you are giving it credit for.

i understand your point (i’m top Hpal on EU BGs, Xlazzic-Pyrewoodvillage-SERVER on Era)

let’s forget (or not) top players, and make a week where only Paladins and Shamans are allowed to enter BGs → Average Casual Players Matters too

I left SoD in P1 because no dwarf shaman so you are right, i don’t really know, but the forum dramas keep going so → Let’s do it you SoD players !!!

Its a combination of both. The pallies are going to be offensively strong on the first push due to bubble. However, once the bubble is down they are going to fall due to the shaman overwhelming AoE damage.

would really depend on the makeup of specs .

like how many melee/ranged/heals and whatnot.

i dont know it sounds fun to actually consider.

Most shams are going to be ele or ele/tank with a couple restos. Pallies on the other side are going to be mostly rets/reck with holies. Shaman have the advantage on the range.

a smarter setup would be to mix in like 5 shockadins for the luls.

range is > melee though so i dont know.

it would not be forbidden to make a strategy before, but in my perspective → i just see shamans nuke 3-4 paladins in a row instantly and win