Final fantasy xiv most played now

Blizzard hurt their feelings so they desperately do everything possible to make it look like Blizzard is doomed like a rejected lover.


I remember there being at least a dozen or more MMOs out before WoW came out. I went from one MMO to another trying them out. WoW was just significantly well more developed than everything else on the market and it was easier to get into because the basic controls were like playing an FPS game. Most of the other MMOs I played before were click to move and you used the F1-F12 keys.


That the subtext of Bellular’s latest video. Actually pretty much on point for the most part.


I made a cat boy because i’m male and they had the best powers for the class i chose. Everyone thinks i’m weird…

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It helps if you’d read the details of the article to understand what you’re talking about.

It’s from an article posted a few days ago.

And it specifically says:

To clarify again, actively played refers to players who log on and play FFXIV frequently. This means both free trial players AND subscribed players. Additionally, WoW and WoW Classic numbers are tracked separately.


It looks like they are double removing classic’s contribution in their data.

They already track retail and classic separately, yet somehow 2.50 million from FF is > than the 3.29 million from retail WoW.

The data is largely garbage anyway considering neither game reports anything.

And popularity and bring fun is very subjective and not related many times. Or McDonalds would be the best restaurant ever.

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Did you do the translation from ¥ to $?

LOL pretty much. :wink:

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Need I remind you why we got Classic in the first place?

I think… someone doesn’t want to look to the left or to the right :joy:. That’s ok bud…

Love this quote

The MMO-P 2.5 million is very questionable since LuckyBancho’s lodestone census was ~900k back in February 2021.

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Simple, because Blizzard recognized there was a market and they could make money with it and maintain more of the WoW playerbase on subs. It improves retail activity also because once people have the sub they’ll usually try retail as well. Or just in general they’ll go back and forth between the two with content waves, so it’s a way to keep the players engaged without having to generate as much new content. Heck, I’m one of those people. I mostly started playing WoW again for Classic after a long hiatus, and now I mainly play retail after trying it during classic downtime. Mission accomplished.

Are they even measuring the same thing? Some try to measure total subs, some try to measure daily unique players, some try to measure players logged in per month, etc. And if you need to modify one count, you need to modify all of them similarly.

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As someone who plays both, I can honestly say, who cares who is right? Both can co-exist and it’s not a competition. More games on the market that cater to different gamers is a good thing. These threads remind me of those silly android vs apple and ford vs chevy. It’s such a stupid thing to be competitive about. All praise corporation B, Corporation A is terrible! I have spoken!


No king rules forever…

It is a competition and not just for bragging rights. Ultimately it is about $ and player time. Both are scare resources, at least for most people.

Scarce? What a joke. The gaming industry is bigger than any other entertainment industry on earth. More successful games = player choice; choice is good for everyone.

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Most people don’t care, but the FFXIV shills continually spam the forum with their nonsense and it’s annoying.