Final Fantasy XIV Community is WAY too proud | Toxic Positivity

I love pvp in WoW. I’m awful but I adore it. The most fun I’ve had in the game are open world large battles way back in Vanilla, BC, Wrath, and then again in BfA (my fav expansion because they incentivized large battles, sure everything else was not great but the back and forth of world pvp was soooo much fun for me and friends!!)

As for crafting, yeah, that’s how I made millions in WoW too. I loved auction house pvp also! I’ll get into crafting in FF soon enough.

Oh, and I unlocked squadrons last night. How cool! Again, I really hope Blizz steals this.

I dont like doing it all on one toon, that doesn’t appeal to me. So yes I do need alts. I can understand your reasoning but for me alts are a necessity.

So you came into it with a lot of self-imposed baggage. Hardly at all representative of the typical new player experience. You clearly have a bone to grind against Square, which is mind-boggling considering they are a company that has given players 3 weeks of free game time and literally stopped selling their game just so that their existing players could have a better experience. And this, to you, is a dead company. That shows how petty you are acting.

Why do you want it to be exactly like WoW??

You played for 2 hours. Let me put that into perspective. The story, now including Endwalker, from ARR to EW, will now take you about 300 hours if you speedrun it without skipping cutscenes (EW alone is 30% longer than the other expansions, so should be about 70 hours if you don’t skip anything).

So basically, if you just did the MSQ for 2 hours, you experienced 0.0066% of the story.

If you think that fraction of a fraction of a percent represents the other 99.993% of the story, then you would be greatly mistaken.

And yet you play WoW and support greedy Activision. Makes sense



I play what games I enjoy regardless of the company that makes it.

2 hours was enough to know I wasn’t going to enjoy it. First impressions are everything and my first impression was it would be a waste of my time. Hate it if you wish, I’m not here to make you happy or praise something I didn’t enjoy.

Alts and account wide collections are a necessity, I dont care what mmo it is. If it doesn’t have it then that’s a deal breaker for me.

I tried ff long before 15 came out and still didn’t enjoy it. I won’t praise a game that doesnt have what I want. Besides all companies first priority is revenue. Just because square gave you free three weeks doesn’t mean squat. A companies priority is making money and so far they are losing money by halting sales and giving away sub time for free.

Either way like I said you can hate it if you wish but I see no reason to praise ff, especially when it lacks what I want.

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Calling it a first impression is disingenuous since in your case you admitted that:

So you came into it already expecting not to like it because it’s Final Fantasy, and that likely colored your impression of the game as an MMO.

Not taking away from your dislike of it being alt unfriendly, but when you actually play the game you’ll realize that you won’t want or need alts anyway, due to the way the game is designed. It’s not like World of Warcraft, even though your WoWbrain is trying to tell you that it should be.

So Square’s first priority as a company is revenue above all else, even their customers’ satisfaction, which is why… they are now losing money by giving everyone free game time and halting sales of their game? Nice contradiction.

Suit yourself. I could explain why that assumption is nonsense, but I could probably do better talking to a brick wall.

Theres no wowbrain. I just have certain wants in an mmo I play and alts is number one on the priority list.

Theres also no disingenuousness here. When I say I’ve played enough ff games, I mean that. I played tons and enjoyed them. 14 however wasn’t enjoyable to me. Unlike the other ff games I played 14s story didn’t grip me from the start.

You can’t convince me to praise a game I didn’t enjoy. It doesn’t work like that. Make the assumption its like talking to a brick wall but the truth of the matter is, not every single person is going to like or praise ff and square. Thats just how life is. I dont expect everyone to praise the soulsborne series nor am I going to go out of my way to convince others or get heated about it just because they mentioned things they didn’t like about it. Games are similar to relationships in one way. Preference. People like what they like even if others disagree. Better to understand that simple concept then to fight a battle of attrition over something that doesn’t mean anything in the end.

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You never responded to my point that it’s an MMO with over 300 hours of gameplay for the MSQ alone. This dwarfs the playtime of any singleplayer FF game. So your 2 hours first impression is not really a first impression at all.

This conversation would be different if you were judging it aesthetically, in which case 2 hours could be enough time to say it’s not for you (if you hate cat girls and anime for example).

But you aren’t saying that. You are judging it unfavorably based on the fact that the 300+ hour story didn’t grip you in 2 hours, which is really stupid considering how long the MSQ is supposed to be. That’s like the old phrase “judging a book by its cover.” Or reading the first page out of 300 pages and saying the book isn’t worth reading.

Like I said. The story didn’t grip me from the start. If it did I would have been curious to see it play out. As it stands 2 hours was enough, maybe not to you but for me it was. I dont need to see 300 hours to know what I knew in 2.

As much as I dislike FFXIV, the servers being full is a good sign for the game.

Also, this seems like an issue that would be better addressed on its forums. The chance it will get noticed there is small, but here it is zero.

You’re right but they don’t want to. They’d rather come to the forums of a game they don’t even play and insult it and its playerbase. Seems petty but hey that’s what they love doing instead of ignoring something they don’t like as any normal adult would do.

Most folks who play FF who have never played WoW probably haven’t a clue about this forum.

What you are running into is people who have put up with Blizzards BS for years and are finding they enjoy ff14 enough to want to share.
Even Blizzard asks “would you recommend this game to a friend?”

It isn’t hard to understand verbal marketing.


Yeah that’s not verbal marketing. What they’re doing is being petty and insulting. Creating threads for the express purpose of starting drama will not get others to play a game they have no interest in.

Like this one?

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This one can count too. I’m not biased or anything. No matter the title, if its a thread about another mmo and the thread either praises or craps on it, then its purpose was to cause drama.

IDK where OP was seeing this talk but as someone active on both forums people are NOT okay with the server queues.

At best folks are accepting of it because there is literally nothing that can be done to immediately solve the problem. But that doesn’t make them happy.

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OP is also the one that only played the game a short time and calling the entire thing worthless…so…OPinion…“noted”.

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People play a game for a short amount of time and if they dislike it, they don’t play any more longer. It’s a normal thing to do.

Also 6 years isn’t a short time… :point_down:

I started playing FFXIV since around may/june ish up to Endwalker release and I have to say that the entire first 100 hours, I was bored and uninterested, they only thing I can find that was good about ARR is level 40-50 range where the story does pick up, Crystal tower story and last cutscene for ARR 2.5.

To be honest I don’t the blame people for not reaching 100 hours of play time for their opinion to be taken seriously so who cares at the end of the day?

FF14 being more casual friendly than WoW is a lie. A plain old lie.

there’s a lot to do, but most of the stuff I’m doing is old content. (caveat to my earlier statement, I figured out I could “travel” to another server so I’m able to log in with shorter queues that way, but I cannot access retainers, can’t sell things, among a few other things. I’d still be unsubbed though, if i had 2 hour queues, and I still think the situation - and the ff playerbase’s passive acceptance of it, is ridiculous)

and, frankly, idk how long I’ll play. I really do hate the combat system. their menu system is poorly designed, their mog system is straight up awful (not the way the gear looks, that’s fantastic, but the mog chest, glamour system, etc… garbage), but there’s enough else I like about it to keep me interested for now…it’s a nice diversion from wow for a time where there’s not a lot going on in wow.

and holy heck it needs a wowhead. get lost on a quest? good luck finding any actual information to help. there’s like 27 wiki sites, but not a single one gives any actual information on how to do a non-obvious quest.