Final Fantasy surpasses WoW for the first time in history

At this point Blizzard need a plan on what to do after Classic WOTLK.


If it’s true, good.

Maybe this might lead to change at Actiblizz office.


Yay! That cheers my soul up.
stamps feet with joy

The weebies are coming


Why when I click the link it says WoW has 3.29 million daily players and WoW classic separately has 1.46 million daily players.

And FF has 2.5 million.

Of course these are all very subjective, but I’m not sure how 3.29 million is less than 2.50 million?

Says FF at 2.50 million.

Says WoW at 3.29 million

Says WoW classic at 1.46 million.

Is the site trolling or what?


FFXIV Fans: WoW Classic Players don’t count :slight_smile:

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Problem solver. Dispatch the anti-cat-people turret.
cackles and wiggles toes

T’is the beginning of a new era. World of Warcraft has maintained MMORPG dominance since Release Days 2004 and now that is over. The deceased King Terenas Menethil said it best, no king rules forever, my son.


yeah, im gonna try it too, my sub ends in 14 days and the next patch is still not coming


Interesting. Yeah, WoW is still on top, but I’m honestly somewhat surprised at how the gap keeps closing. WoW is going to have to figure their redacted out or they’re just going to end up as one of many instead of the King.

They need to go back to charging game time a few hours at a time in Asia and keep calling each one a “sub” in the quarterly reports.

Pump those numbers back up. That’s what old Blizzard did.

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Hey! You got your balderdash in my hogwash.
Hey! YOU got your hogwash all over my balderdash.
Hey! They’re two great tastes that taste great together.

I do look forward to a true WoW replacement. FFXIV just does not cut it for me.

Imma hope n dream


I couldn’t get into FFXIV but will probably give it another try some time in the next year. The current direction that retail WoW is going isn’t enjoyable for me either though. Mainly the constant screwing up of classes/specs. Tired of having to relearn or abandon a fun class/spec each new expansion and classes being reliant on rented powers to feel complete.

But, if FFXIV is the new King then I can tell you it is because WoW has not been keeping up it’s throne. There must be more players out there not happy with this expansion then just me and possibly not happy with the downward tread over the past couple of expansions like me also. Plus, on top of that I’ve seen complaints about a content drought so once the next patch hits WoW will probably take the throne back.

The question is, how long can WoW continue to not appeal to players with each new expansion or increase it’s content droughts before those players don’t return and make another game like FFXIV the actual King. . . for good?

All I see is that WoW is falling short for some loyal players and it is forcing them to look to other games for the enjoyment they use to get from WoW. If they are like me that means they will switch their loyalties to that game. Some may go all in and abandon WoW for good while others will stick with it till either the game doesn’t bring them enjoyment anymore or WoW turns in a direction those former players could find enjoyment from again.

The throne has been and always will be WoW’s to lose. Do they want it though?

To each their own.


Don’t worry when Wrath Classic comes out we’ll be in charge again


FF is an amazing complete MMORPG right now. AAA title that is worth the praise.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


So then does it become balderwash? Or hogdash?

That’s not really much of a big deal over there, so it doesn’t really add anything new. Yoshi P actually encourages people to put it down and try other games and come back when they want to. It’s a very different philosophy, basically he wants people to enjoy the content, not play continuously and get burnt out.

Took me a bit to get my head around, but I dig it.


This is the same thing happening to retail, to be fair. Although the main cities are seemingly never empty in FFXIV, at least not on Famfrit. I find the craziest stuff in Limsa Lominsa. I hear there’s a similar experience on Moonguard in retail though (not the weird ERP stuff).

I rolled an ally over there to check it out, but out of the three games I play (FFXIV, Classic, and Shadowlands) I have the least amount of drive to level in or play Shadowlands.

But all this shows is that FFXIV is a good game, too. I’m sure that the activity numbers will favor Shadowlands if/when 9.1 drops. But I also wager that it’ll go back to favor FFXIV when Endbringers arrives in the fall, especially since we have no Blizzcon to hype the game up.

I’m happy more people are giving FFXIV a go though. It’s a really good RPG and their monk class is my absolute favorite thing to play right now. But FFXIV’s greatness doesn’t mean anything about WoW, since they’re vastly different games.

Also, FFXIV attracts younger players better, it seems.


FF has a great design direction. It reminds me of old school MMORPG mixed in with new school MMORPG.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: