Final fantasy lacks that little magic✨

You are correct. There are FTC regulations.

People are having a real hard time accepting that a lot of players are feeling alienated from current retail and some of those are finding something positive to be said for other games.


i still find it weird that Social media isnt held to that standard but other industries are

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Nothing is the same in any circunstance for everyone in any given time. You can’t be sure what kind of experience people are looking for when chasing a type of content in a large MMO…

It is a fact FFXIV has a completely different type of fantasy WoW has. As someone posted earlier, people looking for Tolkien vibes in a game won’t be interested in FFXIV… well, at least not for that reason. That is why you can’t simply replace one with the other.

I am in that demographic. I have played WoW for so many years mainly because of its fantasy archetype. I have no interest in FF’s fantasy, so I won’t play it, despite how some people tell me how they enjoy it.

Oh really, please show me the two game’s official subscription numbers.

Not to mention big implies actually having millions of subscribers, not simply being #1 but still having less than BFA ever did.

not official since neither disclose player numbers anymore so your request is impossible but generally these sites run off addons whom scan the playerbase and take tallies for a given timeframe normally a week which is probably the closest we can get, but it might have been from before the patch so there’s really no way of knowing :man_shrugging:

However either way claiming to know which has higher numbers is ignorant as again no one really knows

ht tps://mmo -population.c om/activity

edit: either way ff14 is listed as very very close to wow’s current playerbase

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Well you know that people will just say “See you can’t prove it.” and honestly that’s fine.
I just know this… been playing with my guildmates from WoW and

  1. We are having fun laughing and joking with each other again. Like we did in WoD.
  2. I’m actually enjoying pug dungeons… I rarely get a problem player in a dungeon… most of the time people are cool and commenting on how my character looks and how smoothly I’m handling the mechanics as a tank.
  3. I rarely see stupid discussions on public channels.
  4. I’m actually having something I haven’t had in WoW for awhile now… fun.

According to social media’s popularity, it seems the way you have put it. They seem stable on similar populations atm, but you gotta remember this is one of lowest points for WoW (doesn’t mean it will get better) and the highest peak FF has ever had.

Exactly. If you go into FFXIV expecting a wow clone or you are going to be very disappointed.

This is because the game was built to allow cross platform for the ps3, not sure they can go back and change it at this point.

You know which other games do this? Literally all of them. Literally every single game has some way to prevent you from going out of the bounds of the playable game.


Not true. Zelda BotW, for instance, literally lets you go anywhere you want after you start it. You will get screwed, but you can do it and even kill the final boss without any glitches.

Except it doesn’t. There is an edge to how far you can go. There is a playable boundary that the game keeps you within.

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You mean the introductory plateau? You can just jump out of it lol

If you are talking about the boundaries of the map… well, yeah, ofc, no game is infinite, but we are discussing limits within the playable zone.

Yeah, which is relevant, because FFXIV only keeps you within the limits of the playable zones. Very few walls actually exist within the boundaries of the zones and those are just to keep you from jumping to your death in the very few random pits. This is because when you die in the game if no one can rez you, you have to go back to your home aetheryte.

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To be fair, FF is a much more bland game than WoW. It’s like it doesn’t know if it wants to be high or low fantasy… But that doesn’t really matter, because while you’re riding around on your chocobo, you will randomly see someone in a sports car… super great for the longevity of the game and immersion Square.

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As a selfish my-own-enjoyment first sort of gamer, this reason doesn’t change anything or make it less unpleasant.

There’s “out of bounds”, and then there’s “you can’t wade across this stream in the middle of this zone… use the bridge instead”.

And then you realize the sports car is the car from Final Fantasy XV.

Which makes it worse… so much worse.


How does that make it worse? They had a cross over event between FFXIV and FFXV and the car was one of the rewards you could get during the event. But go on, explain how it’s worse.

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I like how you think you just made a fantastic point, and that there’s no way I could respond to this.

Because of this. Because it’s immersion breaking. Because it’s bad for the longevity of the game. Because when you’re on your chocobo, or your ANYTHING FANTASY RELATED, and you see someone in a sports car… it ruins the game.

I’ll say it again…

FF doesn’t know if it wants to be high or low fantasy.


i think until blizzard really tries and puts an effort forward the numbers are going to stay about the same with slight shifts.

Blizzard very well could crush ff14, they did so for years. however ff14 has been slowly growing while Wow has been shrinking because they keep adding systems the playerbase doesnt like. (oh you dont like artifact power? well here lets force feed it to you for the next three expansions with a sugar coating of something else… what you still dont like it?)

They need to get their heads together and really think about what the players what/need verses what they can push out quickly

I mean… I also think WoW is (or was?) more immersive, but WoW has unicorns and motorcycles, man…