Final Fantasy 14 Community versus Warcraft

Really? I got to watch that at some point.

Life is defined by negativity but that isn’t really what I guess toxic negativity would be in this case.

There’s a lot of non-issues that WoW players complain about that just do not bear worrying about. WoW players love to call this the worst game ever, that they’re going to quit and never come back again, and continue to spend thei rmoney and time on it.

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FF now has less furries than WoW.
There’s you difference xD

The WoW team has lost the plot.


While I do think the WoW community is pretty toxic compared to other mmo’s on the market ,but these forums make it seem way worse than it actually is. Forums have never been a good format to judge a community.


FF14 has a major inferiority complex, especially when comparing it to WoW

I’ve played FF14 since 2020 and I can count on one hand the number of negative experiences I’ve had with other players in that game. I have yet to see any of that ‘toxic positivity’ nonsense people keep going on about. People are generally pretty chill.

In WoW, I feel like every raid, battleground, or dungeon I get into has one or more people who start at around a 6/10 on the salt meter and only start getting saltier as time goes on. I’ve left pretty much every public chat channel and dont even read most party or raid chats anymore because its usually just the local basement dwellers all sperging out at each other.

In my experience, most people in WoW dont even need an excuse to be angry or obnoxious, whereas most people in FF14 are shockingly normal and polite for gamers.


FF fans are obnoxiously defensive of their game. Have you watched any of the FF streams? Some of them are downright insufferable.


Thats because any statement made towards another player with a even a crumb of implied negativity can lead to a ban. If you notice somebody having a hard time with a mechanic or their clearly having difficulties say with tanking and using their mit properly, something that occurs often in leveling dungeons, its literally not worth even attempting to offer helpful advice because of ban risk. So people just silently fume more often than not.

Doing Savage in PF or using a raid discord like UPR to pug Ultimates and you’ll find the toxicity is there. Just instead of calling you names, they just kick you from the party and then blacklist you in game without a word and in some cases you end up on some the circulating blacklist docs.

I’ve done better than that, I’ve played the game for years. Twitch chat is not representative of a game’s community, let alone regular people. Asmongold’s cringe tweenage audience is not the typical WoW player any more than whoever the top FF14 streamer’s audience is the typical FF14 player.

No it cannot. This is a dumb meme that’s been regurgitated for years. Its true that FF14’s punishments are less lenient than WoW’s ‘do whatever you want short of explicit racism I guess’ standards, but you arent going to get banned for being snarky or mean to someone unless you REALLY cross the line with it.

Thats weird, I correct people all the time in lower level dungeons and I’ve never been banned.

So high-end raiders are toxic losers? Wow thats crazy, sounds just like WoW.


Its somewhat not 100% accurate. Alot of that behavior does not enter the gamespace because of how the rules regarding harassment are laid out. Outside of game…

It’s there if you know what buttons to push (not that I do that maliciously) and you’ll end up kicking the hornet’s nest. Like I just said that I didn’t care too much for the story and I hate how they gate content by a long MSQ. I found myself being called a troll (even though some people agreed with me in my free company.)

I did get some catty remarks ironically from the FC catboy when I got into an Extreme Trial I didn’t want to be a part of lol.

But I didn’t have a bad time, it’s a good game good community that does other things well but I think if I was forced to play just one I would play WoW.

Thats fair because at the end of the day, if the person doesn’t report you then its not an issue. I think I’ve only gotten the classic “you don’t pay my sub” response only once when asking if they need help understand a mechanic.

I did not express myself properly and I meant more so thats the mentality thats present. It is indeed a dumb meme. But people are dumb and believe and act in accordance to it.

I mean you’re gonna find toxicity everywhere no matter what. If you could just call somebody a troglodyte rat over and over again to somebody in an Expert Dungeon with no repercussion you’d see a lot more overt toxic behavior in FF14. Or imagine you were able to chat normally in CC instead of only being able to emotes.

I think there is plenty of room for copying ideas. Like the follower dungeons, and housing systems. Lot of things can be added from the other side without changing things. WoW is missing a ton of features that other MMOs have that are just extra content.

FFXIV has a lot of story things that I really like that WoW sometimes popped into but often just missed. A core crew of people you get more attached to and learn about. I think that would be fun for a story turn in an expansion…give it more meaning.

Gameplay wise I think FFXIV can learn a ton from WoW, and WoW could learn from FFXIV on how to deal with community anger and toxicity.

Oh and ffxiv should just throw out their pvp :slight_smile:

They should always feel like very different games, but there is a lot they can learn from each other without destroying what they are. More about techniques of doing things.


Yep, that’s a reality check

I dont remember the last time I had one of those “negative experiences” in WoW.

If you run into negative experiences in WoW in every single raid, dungeon, battleground…

Then I would ask if you are exaggerating or if you are the common denominator.

This isn’t even true. It’s not against the rules to give out advice how to play mechanics or how to use spells and people don’t get banned for that. It’s only banworthy if people give advice ‘wow-style’, it all depends on the wording and there are even some great examples in the ToS iirc. I’ve played the game since mid 2021 and I’ve seen tons of friendly advice to other players, it’s not like the players there are fearful of the chat and shy away from giving out help.
It’s forbidden to point fingers at other players and mention how they don’t seem to have a clue or make a lot of mistakes. Or to voice snarky remarks like “Why don’t you do x/don’t use spell x?”. Instead it’s encouraged to just give straight advice like “When I play tank here, I find x pretty useful”. It’s stated in the ToS that advice should be given out as suggestions instead of demands and it’s also not allowed to keep on pressing and harassing other people when they don’t want the advice.

I mean… I haven’t been personally attacked in WoW most of the time. But I’ve witnessed countless times how others were the victim of toxicity, especially in LFR or PvP. So this has nothing to do with being the common denominator.

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Do you see this happen in 100% of all content you run?

100% of dungeons, 100% of raids, 100% of battlegrounds?

I am not saying it doesnt happen. But to say it happens every single time…

Are there some negative people? Sure.

But funny enough, I run into more negative FFXIV people on the WoW forums than I do in game.

Not every single time, no. But way too often and depending on the situation. After wiping in LFR it always was to be expected that some people instantly leave the group and a few others start to point fingers at low DPS, the healers, or badmouthing the group altogether. Constant complaining is almost ‘normal’ then. In PvP I’d say that it’s the norm that people start to complain as soon as the match doesn’t go well.
While in FF I’ve never seen this happening in queued raids. Literally. Not even in a single dungeon. If something goes wrong and the group wipes, there were always words of encouragement or someone pointing out a mechanic that went wrong. Even after several wipes.

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That is irrelevant.

I guess I havent had this happen enough for me to expect it.

They just come to the WoW forums and badmouth the entire WoW community. :person_shrugging:

I dont even talk in most dungeons or BGs, so no.